Parallelamente al programma si installa un ulteriore programma di "Relevant INC" che non si disinstalla automaticamente con la rimozione del software. Credo serva per indagini di mercato mirate.
In parallel with the program you install an additional program of "Relevant INC" which does not automatically uninstall with the software removal. I suppose for the market research targeted.
Did not work. I tried recording stuff I was playing on my computer and this thing failed to pick it up. Which made me check here... to discover to my horror, that it had about 20 red circles against it.
I scanned it with Norton insight, but it came up clean - odd??
Free software download included "RelevantKnowledge" or spyware, "Market Share". Twelve infected files that MalwareBytes should be able to remove. Infected file that installs these is "rlvknlg.exe". Beware!
Software download includes a tracker: in tiny print the download notifies of "extra software is required to allow for monitoring of your browsing behavior"
Verifique se você foi comprometidoConecte-se com o Google para escanear seu histórico de navegação.
Analisamos mais de 2 milhões de sites e contamos. O WOT é uma extensão leve projetada para ajudá-lo a navegar com rapidez e segurança. Ele limpará seu navegador, o acelerará e protegerá suas informações privadas.