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Website that fights against communism, the most evil ideology to exist on earth. Communism has killed over 100 million people in the last century, not to mention the political oppression, forced labor, deportations, etc. *****
The Nine Commentaries was first published in Chinese by The Epoch Times newspaper in November 2004. It was then translated into English, posted on the Internet and put in print in English. Now it is available in 20 languages. At the 2005 , American Association of Asian Journalists (AAJA) convention in Minneapolis, the Nine Commentaries won top honors in the category "Asian American Issues - Online." The Epoch Times has stated: "The author or authors of the Nine Commentaries must remain anonymous—their lives and their families' lives would be in danger if their identities were known by the CCP[Chines Communist Party]. In their place, Epoch Times editor John Nania had been nominated for the award. In Minneapolis, he accepted the award on behalf of The Epoch Times..." I have a copy of the Nine Commentaries in newsprint. The Epoch Times calls it an "unvarnished" history of the Chinese Communist Party. It comprises more than twenty newspaper pages (no ads). Many thousands of copies were printed in the West and introduced in China, frequently by members of the Falun Dafa (Falun Gong), a group that at one time had 100 million adherents but is now best thought of as the most heavily persecuted minority in China. The purpose of publishing the Nine Commentaries was to bring a true (unpropagandizied) history of the CCP to the Chinese people and to ask CCP members among them to renounce their membership in the CCP. At the present time, 81 million CCP members have renounced their membership. The CCP does not mention the Nine Commentaries though they may be in an angry froth when they think of this publication. I was shocked today when I went looking for a digital copy of the Nine Commentaries and found Wot's warning and I am on the Nine Commentary page now. Shortly I will download a copy. I am leaving this comment with you, and I will rate the site - this is a site that should be encouraged - there is nothing commercial about it, and it is positive in philosophy. The CCP is known to have agents overseas to target certain Chinese people who leave China for the West in order to mess up their lives here - to interfere in employment or educational prospects through false statements was a ploy of theirs a few years ago. Now, frequently, there is the spamming of blogs by cadres of mainland Chinese bloggers who are paid 50 cents a post for interfering with the discussion of certain issues. The fact that Wot has found this site to be disreputable leads me to think that Wot's mission, in this case, has been perverted, possibly be agent(s) of the CPP. Question: do you have a CCP member in your organization? Or, how did this travesty take place?
Though not as crude or blatant, the same trends are present in the West, today. Another 10 years of present trends and there may not be much difference. Ask the Banksters.
The "Nine Commentaries" is an article series that inspired more than 55 million Chinese to renounce their membership in the Chinese Communist Party. I can imagine, that this fact is a reason why the Chinese regime does not like this site. There is no need to rate this site bad, because the articles are very, very interesting. Thx, Hansi
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