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Maybe one can shave a couple of pence off certain items. The quality of they're customer service, when things go wrong, is top notch, courteous considerate and helpful.
Something is VERY wrong with their customer references and their own set up that makes me very wary. Clicking their links to products specifically for guinea pigs brought me links to items listed as 'not recommended for use by... and guinea pigs'. Useless and dangerous. Then, their 'customer reviews' appear to be invented or automated. Reviewing some wood shaving pet bedding a customer who rated the product 5 stars says 'This product seems to be the equivilent of kitty litter but used for little rodents in their cage corners and can be easily removed when soiled". If it 'seems' that's what it is then IF it's been purchased and used by this person they clearly didn't know what they were getting it for and it wasn't likely it was used for the intended purposes - rendering the review useless and misleading. The same is true of the review of a pine wood shaving bedding listed under rabbit items where a reviewer states "rabbits love this food and its really good value for the price" It isn't food, it's bedding. It isn't intended to be used for nutritional value. Yet, it was worthy of a 5 star rating from yet another satisfied customer who make up something about something it seems unlikely they've ever heard of let alone used.
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