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If you are grieving for a loved one then stay away from sites like this. They cannot do any of what they claim. They want your money. They are bloodsucking parasites on the berieved, they bring no comfort; they only prolong the pain of loss.
im a physic telepath and have empathy powers and the power of prophect and was looking for direction on how to make it stronger
Psychics aren't fake in general to be psychic you only need a few experiances. Yes people do have them spaulding get over it. Sometimes I can use my visions to win matches on videogames, haha really I get them that often. It is hard to control but you need to get over that seeing as you can't possibly understand, like the rest of humanity. Yes there will be swindlers science has them to, just that science is alot simpler. Sorry it is, try controlling every single thought in your head you can't possibly even accomplish that... now try to budge a cup on the desk infront of you. You just need something to attack, eventually we will bite back, you won't like that. Ask my dog I experiment with friends and family animals and such. Almost killing your dog by sucking its soul out from 10ft away and placeing it back in... that dog is very different now. Oh wait, get over it. HAHAHAHA we have true power and knowledge HAHAHA I speak on their behalf.
It seems that spaulding is having problems coping with the situation here. Still discriminating against those who want to know more about their psychic abilities. I recommend this site to anyone who wants to learn more about psychics.
Psychics can't tell you anything futuristic, past, beyond the grave, ect. If you can afford a crap reading of lies. Send it my way, I honestly need it more than them I promise you. You don't need it since your wasting it. PSYCHICS ARE FAKE!! Get over it.
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