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Recentes Status: Site Potentially Harmful. Immediate Action is Required. Web Trust: Blacklisted (10 Blacklists Checked): Indicates that a major security company (such as Google, McAfee, Norton, etc) is blocking access to your website for security reasons. Please see our recommendation below to fix this issue and restore your traffic. Scan Result Severity Recommendation Website Blacklisting Detected Critical Clean Up Clean Up & Remove Blacklisting Site Likely Compromised Detected Critical Clean Up Clean Up & Remove Blacklisting Website Firewall Not Found Medium Risk Patch and Protect Outdated Software Detected Medium Risk Patch and Protect
They place links in your websites and in some documents. Impossible to delete.
What appears to be a website helping customers investigate the legitimacy of certain E-products, is in fact a clever ploy in advertisement. While the websites they link to appear to be safe commercial, albeit unknown, websites, has done NO "In-depth Review Of E-Products", as it appears to suggest on its homepage. In fact, every review "might be the longest (and best) product review I’ve done so far", because every review uses exactly the same template down to every last word, with only the name of E-product changed to fit its title. The wording is so vague that you can hardly tell what product they are reviewing. To boost its legitimacy, each review is followed by a comment left by a "satisfied customer", who turns out to be one and the same person: "Reatha A. Thompson from Arlington", who likewise write the same comment over and over again. This is nothing more than an advertising website posing itself as product review. Do NOT trust them.
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