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★ 4.2
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Recentes is listed as a site with known trojans, phishing, or other malware by *****
Gut gemacht. Ihr macht gute Arbeit.
There are ads for women offering computer or phone sex. While nothing illegal goes on and it isn't noticeable to an innocent, it is still there. I hate the ads that have music come on without wanting it, unexpectedly!!!!!!! It is intrusive and should not be allowed. Also a lot of the 'news' is rumor and not necessarily true. Other than that the site has no spammers or worms that I know of.
Worst search engine ever! Once i visited this site it set this site to my homepage! Virus alert!
Not really useful site. If you need a search engine, use some more popular engines such as DuckDuckGo or Google. Yeah, it might be "just a Bing" as some of you say... then why don't you go to the real Bing instead of using this suspicious site? Conduit is known for their browser hijacker "Search Protect" (what an ironic name) often bundled with legit software, which makes it even more difficult to change your home website to something else than Conduit Search.
If this site isn't malware, then HOW did it hijack my browser and lock itself in?!! This is a horrible hijacker that pumps adware into your search results. DO NOT use this site and continue to fuel their evil takeover.
Popup advertiising/without permission takes/over home page, spyes and then keeps poppingup ads of simular things without letup. I have yet to get rid of this nusiance. I have blocked with WOT for now but who could love a thief that enters your house. I feel violated.
Пользуюсь этим сайтом, тут безопасно, много полезных функций, смело можно использовать.
It's an Adware-Website. Installed by freeware as a toolbar. Crapware.
Garbage toolbar changing your startup to this site.
Installed itself as a search engine with opening ads upon Chrome opening and has been impossible to get rid of through uninstall. WHY is WOT giving it a decent rating when there are so many ANGRY and STRONGLY NEGATIVE ratings with comments?
Actually, was first made up by people outside Conduit to make Conduit users use their company's search engine and involve other non-Conduit users to search with it. However, it was slandered by, ***** and more. I think now Conduit has claimed this website and erased the hijacker code.
Site may attempt to install unwanted toolbars or exploit your browser by changing your homepage, and it can be almost impossible to remove the exploits. PUPS (a.k.a Potentially Unwanted Programs) are found here, Stay away!
I hate this invading, virus-infecting scumbag! It takes over your entire pc. It's also impossible to get rid of. It's infected my computer and led to viruses. IT IS A PFISHING MALWARE VIRUS IN SEARCH CLOTHING. BEWARE OF THIS VIRUS. it is malware +.
Hijacked my browser, which is Google Chrome FYI.
I don't trust this Conduit. It hijacked my browsers. I removed the toolbar. But the website continues to appear when I open a new tab in Firefox.
How did I even get this as my homepage? I haven't downloaded a thing for over a year, but this thing keeps popping up... until now. To fix it on Google chrome... go to Google settings, click "Manage Search Engines", and delete conduit.
I don't care if Conduit is the safest search engine ever. The fact is, I have never asked for it to be installed, so when it is installed, I will not trust it. I have been able to remove it from my computer every time it gets installed, but after the fifth time, it has just gotten annoying. To the point that I am here now making a useless internet complaint. Just like other posters have noted, Conduit 'piggybacks' on add-on/toolbar downloads and makes itself your new homepage, which is about as welcome as your meth-head sex offender uncle coming to your house and saying he's going to be staying for a while. Removing the program can be done through Uninstall/Install Programs in Windows System Settings, and you can reset your homepage and remove Conduit from the Browsers available search engines through the browser settings. It's just annoying as hell. ::End Vent::
Foxit Reader uninvited software that takes over browsers.
malware. this site is a untrustworthy bit of malware. do not install it at all. It hijacked my browser and it took a while to get rid of it.
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