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Recentes Google’s Safe Browsing Site Status Current status: Partially dangerous Some pages on contain harmful programs right now. Site Safety Details: Some pages on this website install malware on visitors' computers. Attackers on this site might try to trick you into installing programs that harm your browsing experience (for example, by changing your homepage or showing extra ads on sites you visit). Some pages on this website send visitors to the following dangerous websites: ***** and ***** Dangerous websites have been sending visitors to this website, including: ***** and *****
Well, I spent the time to do it, so WOT's community might just as well benefit from it. If you are on *****, the script is going to: #Determine which browser you are using. #Check the window state and screen size. #Scale and move the content on based on the data it just gathered. #Pull the namespace id of the css you chose. #If the namespace fails to match it messes with the lettering and punctuation and tries again. #Goes through about fifty routines to ensure the files are not corrupted or hijacked during the transfer from the stream source. Another fifty that deal with variables and recursion (I am really not sure what they do but the code is completely internal, no calls, inclusions, etc.). Nothing happens that can possibly do any harm. #Fills in dynamic text of the page. #Handles form input (if you examine it you will see it as e and t) #If you submit data, there is A LOT of code to handle it, but none of that code sends that data anywhere but #Lastly there is an astonishing length of code that simply detects, fixes, alerts the user about, or responds to and mitigates errors.
***** requires ***** JavaScript enabled in order to enable 'install w/ Stylish' function on any arbitrary ***** web-page.
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