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It will scam you. The site should not be trusted. I got scammed and I am writing this to warn others!
Fill out the "survey". They get your personal information, which they sell. You get... well, nothing!
this site is trying to get your personal info.if you agrre to anything on here,you have to agree to this:By submitting, I certify that I am an US Resident over the age of 18, and I agree to the Terms and Condition and Privacy Policy. By submitting, I consent to have a representative from Global Connections, Diabetes Help Now, The College Degree, Vivint, The Career Institute, Etour and Travel Inc., Smart Retailing, American Magazine Group, Fused, Medcare, Connect America,, The Daily Jackpot , Approve My Rate, Verde Energy USA, The Attorney Network, Prestige Cruise Holdings, CARIBBEAN CRUISE LINE, Edsoup, USA Health Initiatives, Coventry One Healthcare, SilverLeaf, Vacation Sellout , Tibro Medical, MidWest Center for Stress, Daily Jack Pot, Skylux Air, Insurance Advisor and Anxiety, Fitness Vation, Working America Healthcare, Viking Magazine Service, ***** or Health Advisor contact me at the phone number(s) above, including my wireless number if provided. I understand these calls may be generated using an automated telephone dialing system or use artificial or pre-recorded voices. I also understand that my consent is not required as a condition of purchasing any goods or services. they are trying to get and send your info to spamming sites.unless you like getting spam in your email and phone,i would stay away from here.
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