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Micro-work site selling academic forgery. Do not be fooled: submitting someone else's work as your own is plagiarism, for which you can be disciplined or expelled as a cheat. These sites typically spam search engines via web-ring back-links, advertise in spam posts in other people's web sites, and write fake testimonials. Beware of fake trust seals, unsecured entry forms, dodgy payment processors, bad grammar, and vacuous content. Risks: tracking, spam, credit card fraud, identity theft, expulsion. Do not provide any financial or personal data. References: ***** How Academic Forgery Fails: *****
Resposta deá 6 anos
There is not any risk of identity theft or credit card abuse because we use BlueSnap payment processor that is an authorized payment processor in the world with 30 days moneyback guarantee. Website also uses secure SSL connection that makes sure the data safety of clients.
Betrug Es besteht die Gefahr des Identitätsdiebstahls/ Kreditkartenmissbrauchs. Keine Daten eingeben! Scam This site carries the risk of identity theft/ credit card abuse. Don´t enter any data.
Resposta deá 6 anos
There is not any risk of identity theft or credit card abuse because we use BlueSnap payment processor that is an authorized payment processor in the world with 30 days moneyback guarantee. Website also uses secure SSL connection that makes sure the data safety of clients.
Last week when I’d no time for my dissertation work, I started searching some of the best dissertation writing company. Searching on internet, I came across The Academic Papers UK. Their customer support is fabulous which helped me step by step. They assured me about all things and answered my queries politely. After when I was satisfied, I made an order on their website. Within just a few minutes of my order, I got an email from writer which started discussion with me about my dissertation. When he got answers of all his questions, he started working on it and surprisingly, I received my completed dissertation on next day. I am thankful to The Academic Papers UK for their best support and best work.
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