They actually offer a service and product with a lot of great content and techniques for successful communication when meeting and dating women in my view.
Some may be offended by the blunt content but
it's exactly how most men who are dating think and
they have some amazing suggestions, tools, and techniques when communicating with women.
I've seen many products out there for women in understanding men and how to communicate with men as well.
Bottom line is they are providing a product / service for a perceived value for many that buy this product.
Great stuff!
Some malware script that won't let you leave that site and don't click anything on the script! press alt-F4 to force quit like other user said.
A page with a "exclusive" video that stays up for 24h only? Nope been scamming for weeks..
Be a Badass with woman we don't need that ?
Best Ways to Stop a Woman on the Street may work some will not like that for one your mum, may or not like that ? better off and free .askmen(dot)com
it to help you get a date come on go to a free one if you don't know or ask some one
Scam-site on seduction-technique.
Recent spam with titles like "Download cp movies" does NOT originate from this site. It is the victim of a joe job which uses the Festi spambot:
Spam has unlikely texts: "Underage cp archive, Credit Cards from the US". A site that tries to scam by promoting "secuction technique" will not advertise "underage cp or [hacked] credit cards [data]". This kind of provoking texts are a hallmark of joe jobs by Russian spammers.
***** "
Spam link to this bogus looking site; they placed annoying JavaScript dialogs to try and stop you from leaving. Anyone who does this cannot be trusted.
Spam promising "illegal seduction technique."
Addendum: these scumbags use pop-ups making it impossible to leave the site. I had to force-quit my browser to get away from the stench emanating from the site.
Verifique se você foi comprometidoConecte-se com o Google para escanear seu histórico de navegação.
Analisamos mais de 2 milhões de sites e contamos. O WOT é uma extensão leve projetada para ajudá-lo a navegar com rapidez e segurança. Ele limpará seu navegador, o acelerará e protegerá suas informações privadas.