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There is good information and resources here on TWC products and services. Only critique I have is that some features are not updated on the website as often as they should be. TWC should also provide a section for maintenance and updates of their products and services on the site, which would help customers improve company communications. The site is clean. There are no viruses or malware.
site very trustworthy. Excellent online "chat" system for easy customer service.
If your planning on getting Time Warner Cable for streaming video, then forget it. They will throttle it down to the point of hardly being able to play them on 360p. Proof of concept: ***** there is a trick to fixing it but I wont post anything here on how to do it.
I don't know why some people have problems with TWC. Maybe they're trying to make a purse out of a sow's ear. I don't, but I don't use the cable TV part. I have almost always had my customer service issues dealt with completely to my satisfaction. Yes, sometimes it takes a while to work thru the system to get help, or someone who actually understands your issue. The first line reps really only can read from the script, I always say that I want to be escalated 2nd or 3rd level help. Those levels know what you and they are talking about. The service techs check in with you several times before the come out, and in the last 3-4 years, have even been ahead of time more than once. Only have had them return to finish the troubleshooting 1 time in over 10 years of service, (and that was because my cable modem was really sick, the incoming signals were driving my router bonkers, and they had to get the right line filters (not a stock item on the truck), and getting the replacement modem set up.
For: Horrible customer service, significantly slower than promised download speeds, violation of privacy by using the flawed copyright alert system, and for supporting SOPA/PIPA.
I"m using the Internet. - people I talk to for service are quite polite, courteous, and helpful. I do not do their TV service - I had their service for 3 days and it went out. I called into service and was told, "You haven't paid your bill." I paid $467.95 to start service, and I thought the 1st month was free. They got their equipment back the next day from UPS. Signed. Sealed Delivered.
What they call "customer service" is really horrible. After several discussions I sent a letter to the CEO of Time Warner Cable. You know what? He also did not respond to the letter. That says it all. The fish stinks from the head.
WARNING: This is another one of these "modern" companies that claims that they really care about their customers. Go ahaead call them and see how long it takes to actually get to a live human being. While you are waiting and getting older by the minute they will inform you about all of their products, none of which you will likely be interested in. But don't worry. They will be alright, because they are a monopoly. It's an ugly joke, and we really aught to stop it. I can't imagine how thinking people would turn this score card green!
Xbox Live latency: 15 SECONDS. (Host migration on Halo: Sometimes in it for MULTIPLE rounds when everyone can keep playing after SECONDS.) YouTube: consistent 60Kbps throttling [dial-up year 2000 speeds.] I bet in the beginning of the internet there was no 15 second latency!
This is the official website of Time Warner Cable. This is where you can purchase services from Time Warner Cable and discover tons of features and where current Time Warner Cable customers can access their accounts and much more. This website does not do any such harm or phishing.
Bandwidth caps = no thank you.
Customer service??? Time Warner Cable??? That's hilarious. Absolutely horrible people to deal with. Their customer service is non-existant.
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