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=================== SPAMVERTIZER SPAM =================== spams to illegally obtained e-mail addresses ***** addresses like:,,, ***** Last Minute Spanje / Ontdek nu onze aanbiedingen almost daily now company Spain, domain holder France, nameservers France, company traces back to USA spamming is illegal It seems Trivago cannot control their affiliates. TRIVAGO has been blacklisted for life, although it is a legitimate site. CONTROL your affiliates!!!!!!! ======== TRACKING ======== Currently Trivago websites use google tagmanager and other ways to track you. We block trackers and are blocked by Trivago to use their sites. We do not appreciate this and blacklist Trivago =========== Report spam =========== Report all spam to: # local enforcement agency e.g. ***** # ***** After a few million dollar fines ....
trivago is a travel-community where real people exchange their travel-experiences.
Пользуюсь этим сайтом, тут безопасно, много полезных функций, смело можно использовать.
SPAM VIA: "Trivago" <> , ***** OWNER:ONLINE SAS ***** VERY BIG SPAMMER OF SH*T WITH ITS NEW ADDRESSES CREATED PERMANENTLY!!!!!!!!!! Other address ***** . HOSTED ON: ***** ( OWNER: OVH ***** , ***** ) ***** , ***** , server IP: ***** , ONLINE is associated with ~55,506 other domains ...... , see: ***** SPAM FOR: ***** , ***** , ***** , ***** , ***** , ***** , ***** , ***** , ***** , ..... (TRIVAGO OF SH*T LOVE UNCEASING SPAMS ADS M*RONS) , ***** , ***** , ***** , ***** , ***** , ***** , ***** , ***** , ***** , ***** , ***** , ***** , ***** , ......... TRAP LINKS: ***** , ( ***** , ***** , ***** Background pictures) , ... ============================================ I HATE YOU F*CKING SPAMMERS AND ITS CUSTOMERS AND I NEVER TO USE YOUR FUCKING LINKS, SOCIETIES AND YOUR CUSTOMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPAMMERS, DO NOT INSIST, I DON'T WOULD BE NEVER, EVER, YOUR CUSTOMER, I DO NOT PUT MY FEET IRAIS IN YOUR AREAS, ESPECIALLY THOSE REEK OF SCAM !!!!! _ ALWAYS ENOUGH TO FILTER OUT YOUR SH*TS OF MY INBOX, YOU, WHO YOU ALWAYS HAVE FUN TO CREATE A NEW ADDRESS FOR BYPASS FILTERS, DIRTY R*TS !!!!!! YOU DO THAT ANNOY ME A LITTLE MORE EVERY DAY BEFORE, I HAD 3 , NOW 10 SPAMS PER DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT _ DO I GIVE A SH*T OF MUTUALS, OF DEFISCALISATIONS, OF CREDITS,, OF THINNESS, SHOPPINGS, CLOTHES,   QUOTES FROM WINDOWS, ETC............ ========================================== It's either: A shop or other that uses SPAM to his promotion (adverts), even famous brands, deemed reliable, do the same now, I've seen public services in any country to use SPAM for their advancement (tourism, trade fairs, shows, festivals, etc..), there is only a small step for hospitals, police, governments, schools, ... will go do the same too. A disaster of modern times now affecting other means of mobile communications (smartphones, tablets, SMS, etc..). Or if it's either: An address used for SPAM, endless new addresses (even the wacky, with a letter changed, weird word, numbers, .......) are created permanently to bypass filters, updated constantly, that harassed and antispam services put to block this scourge! Apparently this is the feast of site creations including fake sites for spam, scams, to sell us (legally or illegally) their products or services, and pollute the planet with electric resources wasted, thank you also HOSTS complaisant with the SPAM and the world of profit! One day, the number of Internet domains used for SPAM extensively exceed the number of useful internet domains, like the number of SPAM received which represents 90% of e-mails that are received in the world! Proof here: ***** /!\ A VERY IMPORTANT TIP /!\ : DON'T CLICK ON ANYLINK IN A SPAM, INCLUDING THE UNSUSCRIBE LINK, BECAUSE YOU WOULD CONFIRM THAT YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS IS VALID, TO BETTER SPAMMING YOU, SPAMS are very contagious with illegal resale data, unofficially legal in corrupt countries! REPORT DIRECTLY SUSPECTS E-MAIL, SMS OR CALL TO SERVICES PROVIDED FOR THIS PURPOSE THAT THE AUTHORITIES AND ASSOCIATIONS HAVE PUT IN PLACE TO COMBAT THIS PANDEMIC!
ein sehr gutes Vergleichportal, hier kann jeder günstig buchen!
gute erfahrung, zuverlässig!..
Informativ und übersichtlich. Tolle Website
Betreiber lässt seine Seite durch Megaspammer wie ***** illegal bewerben. Daher unseriös.
Gute Seite für die Urlaubsplanung
Findet deutlich günstiger als HRS und *****
praktische Seite um Hotelpreise zu vergleichen
Sehr informativ und gute Menüführung.
Sehr informativ, wenn man seinen Urlaub planen will.
Die Werbung hält, was sie verspricht, auch bei kurzfristigen Reisen binnen einer Woche
Etwas Zwiespältig! Wenn man bucht wird sofort der komplette betrag abgebucht, Auch wenn man erst in einem halben Jahr reist.
Übersichtlich und einfach in der Bedienung. Zuverlässig und seriös bei der Buchung. Ich buche Hotels ab sofort nur noch über *****
gute erfahrung gemacht
gute erfahrung, zuverlässig
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