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It's cool that I can read literally about everything that was broadcasted on the TV back in the days. I reminisce about those good old days all the time, and it's fascinating for me to read about my favorite TV series. I wonder how many enthusiasts worked on this resource and continue working on it. It's so hard, guys. Uhm, this is also a secure website, I know that here people share if the site can be trusted regarding secure data, I should say this one can be trusted. Nothing suspicious was noticed.
Seems to be safe but some content is not safe for children. Like all ad-supported websites, there will be malicious ads, so using an adblocker is recommended.
Some users have had experiences with malicious ads, which can be reported in a thread or turned off with an ad-free pass. Others may find some of its pages offensive, but it's generally fine If you're used to 2000s stuff. Some related pages are also absurdly long, with over 50000 links, and some extended page histories display thousands of edits. Otherwise it has lots of enjoyable content, loads fast, and generally should cause no problems.
this is a good site it is a lot of fun just remember not all of the content is for kids
Website has an insecure login.
Good website, but can be a huge time sink.
***** is an educational website which provides information on "tropes" in various forms of media, such as film, television series, video games, and literature. A trope can be defined as a a figurative or metaphorical use of a word or expression. Some content on the site contains profanity, so children should view with discretion. In summary, the site is very informative and educational and can be used for a variety of topics.
Good website if you're bored, but it's not the best idea to try and contribute as this website has one of the worst userbases I've seen.
No malware, just characterizing media into "tropes".
TV Tropes is a professional website, but some of the content make be geared towards older audiences.
I've been on this site a couple of times, was given some pages, and generally I am very unsatisfied. To begin with, it is uncomfortably overflown with ads, including insertion of ads in copied text. Second, the pages I was on had wrong information multiple times, including historical events. Third, a lot of info wasn't really useful. So my general opinion is more negative then positive. I'd give this site a rating of *****
Very good source of entertainment and information.
A relatively safe website that nonetheless does contain several pages that cover content unsuitable for children and also plenty of profanity. The website contains a lot of interesting in-depth information on pop culture, though unfortunately some aspects of it can be filled to the brim with bias, so don't go citing it for a school project or anything.
this site is full of explanation.
It is fairly easy to get caught up in a diverse wiki-walk on this site, so be careful of how much time you spend on the site and how many tabs you open.
Some tropes may offend certain groups, but the site itself is safe, although some tropes aren't meant for kids.
Пользуюсь этим сайтом, тут безопасно, много полезных функций, смело можно использовать.
Ne marche pas si on désactive les publicités. Très énervant.
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