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Save Webside, but its Part of Amazon so your Data isnt the securest
One of the coolest things about this streaming platform is easy access to live streams. My favourite gamers and streamers just pop up on the website, when I open it, so I don`t spend additional time searching for something or locating what I want. It`s fun to spend time on watching the games, via a good and stable platform. Of course, not everything is going smooth over there, occasional lags are subject to happen, maybe it`s even their fault, but my internet connection problems, anyway, like any service, they need to work on the improvement and maintaining the same quality.
I don't like twitch and there are several reasons to that. First and foremost, back in the days I tried myself in streaming and I didn't like the inflow of watchers because of the bad algorithms. Maybe nowadays everything is fine with this, but it wasn't attractive for me back in the days. On top of that, many streamers complain about stringent rules and democratization of Twitch. Agreed.
a lot of erotic content under the guise of "ASMR" and "pool streams", a lot of advertising and streams of gambling and casinos under the guise of video games, too many russians
A gradual decline to a somewhat great start. When they created the service and started developing, not many people knew about them. But, soon enough, they become a home to a countless number of streamers, and transformed lives of thousands or even more people. This was the place where you could enter a stream and watch it for 5 hours straight, and they were doing just fine. Till the ads became annoying. Don't get me wrong, I am not against the ads, cuz they are how these companies make money. Still, the ad should just be visible, and not annoying. When the ad pops up in the middle of the stream now, the picture gets small and you are forced to watch the ad. And it's like a minute or two, which is a crazy duration. Until they get rid of this picture distrupting ads, the decline will be stable
Their algorithms keep pushing russian streamers onto the viewers who have NOTHING to do with russia, russian language or anything like that.
The is probably one of the best streaming platforms in the world and even other major streaming platforms can’t compare with this one. I don’t know people who have never heard about twitch and almost everybody is watching any videos there. When I’m coming home after work and I would like to relax, I always watch videos on twitch and there are two favorite people whose videos I prefer to watch, these are Mr.Beast and iShowSpeed. The quality of videos is top-notch and it is so pleasant to watch that I’m ready to look at the screen around the clock. Maybe, one day I will also start to stream my own videos and become popular all over the world, but so far I like how everything is going on.
I think twitch's one of the best in the entertainment area at this moment. I hope they won’t ruin everything with their stringent rules for streamers. Because I know that some big streamers move to Youtube because the rules are more loose there.
Ну интернешенл посмотреть можно
Иногда стримы смотрю,чтоб не скучать
I love this platform for the possibility to watch for various streamers and there is a broad pool of them in variety of games. I play counter strike and sometimes play various MMORPG games like Warcraft. I have a certain pool of streamers who I watch regularly. Sometimes the connection is very slow and I am certain it's not because of my internet provider. And I don't really share the position of Twitch in terms of their policy, censorship and whatnot. Well... they likely also obey certain rules imposed from above.
Отличное место для хорошего вечера.
Часто сижу тут, удобный, но не для стримеров, слишком много ограничений
Хороший, удобный для стриминга и просмотров, но частенько лагает
интересно смотреть дрейка, нравится много разных стримеров
удобная платформа, но слишком разносторонние правила площадки..
A good platform but I find the interface somewhat inconvenient, just make sure to not go on to adult content if you are a kid.
Стримы смотрб тут,нравится,интересные,платформа вообще топ
A good platform but I find the interface somewhat inconvenient.
Самая лучшая платформа для стриминга, удобная, давно уже использую
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