worddictionary.co.uk é seguro?

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Note: I have chosen not to rate this domain given the conflicting opinions of WOT users. However, be aware that this site has some shady affiliations. As of January 2013, this domain links/redirects to, or is linked/redirected from some domains with poor ratings on WOT for various reasons (spam, ads/tracking, reported malware, porn). See also the WOT reports for these related domains: ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
The site is child friendly
The reason why it (used to have, but still) has bad ratings is, because the German rip-off website "www.*****" used to be at that place. Now if you type in beratung.de you will be passed on to worddictionary.co.uk
This negative rating of worddictionary.co.uk makes no sense at all, based on the absence of any comments which explain or detail a problem. It is not even remotely persuasive to claim, "Reputation ratings are based on real user ratings and they tell you how much others trust this site." In other words, "Take our word for it" is not an answer, nor a transparent basis for rating. The rating also models what could kill WOT as one of the web's leading site rating services. Without a demonstrable basis for the judgment, the attack could be merely a drive-by attack by business rivals or possibly politically-motivated. Such results diminish the utility of WOT, and lead me to think twice about installing WOT on any of my client computers.
Seems to be a normal dictionary site. Don't understand the bad rating, at least there is nothing, that isn't for the eyes of a child supposed.
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