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Don't get why every website with the name "Work at home" somewhere in the title gets rated low automatically. This site is helpful from determining scams to legitimate websites.
This is a great site!! I'm disabled and I'm always looking for ways to make ends meet, Eddy's site has helped me do that! You'd be an idiot to rate this as a bad site, just because it has to do with working at home doesn't mean he's scamming people!! He is helping a lot of us low income people make that little extra cash we need!! Don't be a hater because you don't have as many followers as he does!!
I have had no complaints about this site, i don't know where you have got your stats from, you should visit yourself, and then voice an opinion. He explains in detail how to avoid being scammed, tells you how to research to make sure you don't get ripped off. Terry
I was so peeved as the rating that i actually signed in and rated the site green because this is one of the few review sites for working at home that is updated constantly and is legit. No required sign up but 100% free in depth reviews.
Most likely scammers who rated it bad. The more informed we are the less they make.
This site is very useful and informative. It is also a good site and I highly recommend it to anyone. I have used this site on multiple occasions and have not had any problems with this site.
This site seems legit. I had no problems going through the links or material. Great information on not getting scammed .
Hypocrites=whoever negative rated this!
You know there are enough problems on the internet without ppl creating one where there isn't. This site is very useful. Seriously, get a life and learn how to read before you randomly rate a site badly out of boredom.
"Recently submitted to Digg"?? For what reason? Be more specific!
Next time just READ, before rating websites.
WOT is wrong so often, I'm thinking about getting rid of it.
Someone must have seem the word "scams" in the URL and rated down strictly based on that. The site is obviously helpful and legit.
My mouth literally hung open as I read the "This site has a poor reputation" warning. Apparently rater-haters have been at work here. The helpfulness and integrity of this site and it's owner has caught the attention of the media; so truth be told ... these poor ratings are quite the contrary. Two thumbs way up for Eddy for his outstanding efforts put forth in continuing to provide such useful information, scam-free work from home job leads, and all other resources his site has to offer. Did I mention it's all FREE?!!
This site is a VERY good site, and is designed to EDUCATE people about scams, and how to avoid them. It also tells you sites that are scams, as well as how he knows they are scams, so you can know that they are scams. This is THE most helpful site I know about scams and safety on scams. You all should go to this site first, if you are wanting to know how to tell if a site is a scam, or if it is legit. Trust me, this site really does help people.
who the heck reported this site as "bad"? Eddy has been helping people for many years now! i rated all greens!
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