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Censorship squared and overeager moderators. In some of the threads every other post is like this: "Removed Uchur said: Trolling". Some are outright removed, which is even worse, as they remove the evidence. WTF? Nowadays Wowhead is a Bli$$ard's satellite, censoring any criticism. What is the point of having a forum then? I strongly suggest to use Wowhead as read-only database (which is good anyway), and disregard any social features. Don't waste your time.
Spam bots constantly come to my forum and spam this website constantly. Last time I spotted one it said something about watching Star Wars for free.
We all need wowhead in our WoW lives. Outstanding site. Safe too, no worries there.
I use several times a day, on average. It is one of the very best sources of info useful to avid WoW players. The site itself is very safe and reasonably suitable for children. Caveat: the free version of the site has ads, some of which might have unsafe or unsavory content. My advice to anyone who is concerned about malware or "adult" content, just avoid clicking on any of the ads, which ought to be sufficient to prevent one from straying off of this site onto potentially malicious/unsuitable sites. A very simple rule of thumb for using any Web site you know and trust is to assume that any advertising links most likely are NOT controlled by that site's owners/administrators. If you have any doubts about any link on the Web, just don't click on it until you are sure it leads to safe territory. --FractalZone
Often has very annoying advertisements that play sound and video without requiring any input.
Довольно интересный сайт, советую пользоваться, можно доверять.
The website is a good website to use for some of the World of Warcraft player base. However, something I have noticed that I find distasteful is when you view transmog gear, every single one of the gear models are female. Not everybody is all for female toons, maybe, just maybe, you have visitors who are female. To help reviewers, please use adblock plus. Why risk having your computer compromised from possible adware, etc from the ads?! Overall, "I" do like the website, with my adblock plus. I do wish that they would start adding more male models to the gear area so we have an even amount of male models and female.
This site blocks users who disable JavaScript, most likely to make sure that the user gets pop-up ads. (Some information inherited from
Very good site for if you play world of warcraft and need help on a quest or finding a rare item.
Wowhead is Wolrd of Warcraft incorporated. Massive database of all the items, quests, zones, and much, much more. If you're playing WOW and not using ***** you're doing it wrong bud. I see people complaining about pop-ups and ads. My advice is - Install adblock and forget about them. Period.
A rather trustworthy website with useful and easily accessible information about World of Warcraft.
I've been using this site for years. Sometimes the info is out of date a bit or the percentages are skewed but it still is a great site. I too keep a window open when I play.
this bored site's good for nothing
Great site. Useful info.
This is a good site to interact with. Child friendly as well.
Safe site too
facility for warcraft
Fantastic site for players of World of Warcraft. Freely provides guides, and tons of information about the game's gear, professions, classes, etc.
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