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I'm fine with this site, I use it to host my website, joshatticus.tk.
Постоянно предлагают платный тариф,реклама постоянно висит в панели управления Wordpress,и никак её не убрать.Осторожно - Вирус.Даже тестировать невозможно.При установке Wordpress,забиваю админа - пароль,и тут же не могу зайти в панель управления Wordpress.Удалось один только раз,и при удалении Вируса с помощью плагина Секъюрити,меня выкинуло и больше уже не вошёл,а за деньги пожалуйста...В общем танцы с бубном.Обходите стороной.
An untrusted site with suspicious content and potentially a real risk.
Нет более никакого желания играть в квест с регистрацией и верификацией. Дырки, про которые писали на Хабре ещё год назад до сих пор не заткнуты, а вот зайти лояльному пользователю может быть проблематично. Такой хостинг не нужен.
***** Дерьмо такое)) такое чувство что на бесплатном у них все спецом перестает работать,))
Тестить не плохо)
It Is A Scam. You Pay Money For It, And Then They Delete Your Site If They Detect The Smallest Thing.
Go read the reviews, terrible security and customer service.
Yes phishing scammers use this site, however Hostinger have an easy to find "report abuse" link on their home site and they are probably the most responsive web host I have ever come across with most scam sites gone within minutes of a complaint being made.
This is very complicated. There are phishing sites that look like the legit's old version. The legit is pretty good. Sure they do lie about the no hidden costs thing. They probably ran low on budget but still they do host pages for free. Do becareful, the phising sites are adapting. copy link in new tab: ***** And yes I used their webhoster and has limits, cause it's free. Do expect it to hang or things like that cause it is rigged to handle only upto 400 rpm before going into danger. Having these issues, Load it up sometime later. Thanks, Pritish
This website and 13 million emails, passwords and IPs were breached in October 2015. The company owning 000webhost took 2 days and a half to aknowledge the breach, and 8 days to report it to users. This website is not to be trusted with your private data. *****
Spamming in the name of hos(hi)tinger without unsubscribe link and newsletter does not have all senders infos according to EU legislation. Later Edit: 000webhost has suffered a data breach and 13 million customers usernames, passwords and email addresses was stolen and dumped online.
They may be lying about no ads. But honestly they're not bad even with the horrible bandwidth.
This website is the very example of a site that you shouldn't trust. I had an account here long ago that is long deactivated and was part of a security breach that happened. I was NOT contacted or warned and had no idea about it until I went to ***** and entered one of my email addresses checking on breaches. With that said this breach didn't affect me because I use a password manager and generate random gibberish for my passwords anyway. The rating comes from the fact that I was never told of the breach despite my data being leaked. I had used this site to develop a Wordpress site and remember running into many limitations that prevented me from continuing at the time anyway (I think it was over resource usage and having only had 3 common pluggins). Here is what ***** says: 000webhost: In approximately March 2015, the free web hosting provider 000webhost suffered a major data breach that exposed over 13 million customer records. The data was sold and traded before 000webhost was alerted in October. The breach included names, email addresses and plain text passwords. Compromised data: Email addresses, IP addresses, Names, Passwords
Trying to delete my account, the feature was not immediately obvious and trying to ask through the help feature just returned a response saying "you can not delete your profile (whole account) for security reasons". After searching a bit longer, I found how to delete the account (not so difficult in hind site). It is ridiculous that the customer service team had no idea how to delete the account. On top of this, the website was recently hacked and the details of there users were taken. This is ridiculous as it was due to the fact that they were using an outdated version of php with a known exploit in it. They are a hosting website and so should know how to keep user data safe. If they can't even keep their data safe, I imagine that the data of any website hosted on it is also not safe
Can't properly secure their servers, leaked customer usernames, emails, names, IP addresses and passwords in plain text. DO NOT TRUST. They don't know what they are doing.
On 27th October 2015, 000webhost suffered from a major data breach where a hacker used a vulnerability in older version of Php to gain access to 13.5 million customer's personal data including name, email,username, password and IP. 000webhost did nothing to protect customer data - they were recklessly storing passwords in plain text without any hashing / salting or encryption. See announcement in their website - ***** See Facebook announcement - ***** Link to forum topic - *****
Advertised as free host service until he decides (without even warning) to "freeze" your site and tries to *force a paid service. (Our bandwidth use never exceeded more than 1/10 of the advertised *limit-rule) After that *lock ..the user-admin will stay locked out along with his data. Guys like the owner..making the world a sad place to live. Hang him from the @@lz..or STAY AWAY from this service
Your website becomes down once you've done many uploads or editing. Not so good free hosting.
The site does what it promises: It offers free web and MySQL hosting. It does so, though, with a flurry of advertising. If you visit, have a good ad blocker or at least prohibit the site's ability to open popups. I do NOT have faith in the affiliated third party sites.
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