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Certain members of this site have been visting other mod sites that I frequent and leaving hateful messages and comments. Some have even spread lies about the sites. Examples are runicgamesfansite.com, ***** and planetelderscrolls.com. I've also heard that some people from this site are harassing people using Steamworkshop to install Skyrim mods. Recommend avoiding
There are many mods for the PC game, "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion" and "III: Morrowind" on this website. That includes mods that contain adult content. Any child under I guess 13 shouldn't be on the site. Just because there is a no-adult-content feature, not a single child will keep that on. Other than that, this site is the best place to find mods for #4 and #3 of "Elder Scrolls."
All the mods you need!
contains some adult mods
This is the best site for modding Elderscrolls IV: Oblivion. Unfortunately, a great portion of its mods are devoted to nude fixes that give the female characters bigger breasts, porn, revealing outfits, or make pose in suggestive positions. Most of the adult material can only be seen if you register, which is quick and easy since registration is free. Parents should monitor their children while they are on this site and enable the Adult content filter. However, even with the filter on, there are a number of mods that are not flagged as adult oriented, which give you explicit textures and such.
Found viruses from this site.
The best mod community for mods.
Child Safety should be at the orange level mostly because of the nudity that the site contains, now some children MAY enable their profile to view adult contents. :V
Good site, but admins are f****** nazis and from time to time they distribute trojans with their ads. They want to make money and will do anything to obtain it, including working with dishonest people, but just block their ads and it should be okay to browse the site.
Es gibt immer wieder neue Mods, die man für sein Spiel "Oblivion" benutzen kann. Und es ist ebenso Viren-frei! Das findet man nicht überall! There are everytime new mods, which you can use for your game "Oblivion". And its free of virus traffic! You couldn't find that everywhere!
good resource for Oblivion
Great site for Addons and tech help for the Elder Scrolls games, but there are a few adult only addons, so no 13 and under.
As an admin of said site, children 13 years old or younger are not permitted on the site. Vulgar language is also not tolerated and all violations of the rules and law are dealt with swiftly after being reported or seen by the staff.
Great site, never a single problem, and loads of downloads.
Best place to find and upload Elder Scrolls mods. Easy to use and safe.
Not over 100, its over 2000 :) i love this site the best modding community!
le site de mods le plus cool pour les elder scrolls!!! :D
Great community of mods downloaded over 100 Mods no viruses and no problems. Great even if you do not have a premium account even better with a premium account
A great community dedicated to mods for Oblivion and Morrowind. Some of the mods does contain adult content, but can be blocked if the user do not want to see them.
Gods of mods 4 Oblivion
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