Безопасен ли 123-rxmedz.ru?

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Постоянная рассылка email спама! / Regular email spam sending!
This domain has been listed in Joewein's Spam Domain blacklist. Refer: *****
123-rxmedz.ru appears in Joe Wein Blacklist *****
Spammer listed with Joewein re: ***** DNS: http://www.robtex.com/dns/123-rxmedz.ru.html
This site was detected and reported in the spam blocklist maintained by Joe Wein. It is listed at ***** Be wary of spammed sites, they are often run by criminals who are out to defraud you.
Oh, my, they look like they sell everything, including a number of US schedule II narcotics, as well as other drugs not even legally available in the US. And they say they don't require a prescription. But should you believe them? They claim to be located in Belize, though they don't provide a street address. If they take your money and run, who would you complain to? If you're an American, you would have just violated US federal law by ordering these drugs. And God forbid if you actually received them, as you might find DEA agents following the postman to your door and charging you as a drug distributor, based on the quantity of drugs you have received. Ever hear of mandatory sentencing? You have nothing better to do with the next ten years of your life? But no worries, you're pretty unlikely to receive anything you will go to jail for. If the site was really selling narcs, they wouldn't need to pretend to be respectable with a fake padlock favicon (they're lying about the site having SSL) or fake McAfee secure logo (also lying). If the drugs were real, the addicts would be beating a path to their door and gladly paying with anonymous payment methods, not Visa and Mastercard for pity's sake. It's also unlikely any of the other drugs are real, if they're lying about so many other things. Oh, and for a laugh, check out the supposed customer testimonials. If you've investigated other sites, you'll recognize some of them have actually been copied from other scam sites. Though they claim these people are in English-speaking countries, you get awkward statements like this: "Donald, 27. Melbourne, Australia ***** Cialis and ED do not live together anymore! Men, you are to understand me. With Cialis, I stopped thinking about the problem and I saved the relationships with my wife, who is so dear to me. Now, we are so happy as 10-15 years before." Oh, and confidential to pseudo-customer "John," who liked his Zithromax so much he "plans to order it again and again:" Wouldn't it be easier to just use a condom? More about Online Pharmacy: ***** How long has this site been in existence? http://who.is/whois/123-rxmedz.ru/
Spammer. Blacklisted by Joewein.
Blacklisted for spam on *****
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