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Micro-work site selling academic forgery. Do not be fooled: submitting someone else's work as your own is plagiarism, for which you can be disciplined or expelled as a cheat. These sites typically spam search engines via web-ring back-links, advertise in spam posts in other people's web sites, and write fake testimonials. Beware of fake trust seals, unsecured entry forms, bad grammar, and vacuous content. Risks: tracking, spam, credit card fraud, identity theft, expulsion. Do not provide any financial or personal data.
AND they promise to get back in touch with you within 24 hours. I've been waiting for 5 days now, but maybe days are longer outside their windows. Update Aug 27th: Wrote again - no answer at all. Very annoying and fishy!
You want to ask them a simple TOLL-FREE question, then they say it costs. Besides, they sign you up for an account straight away (that's not mentioned anywhere), you need to provide your phone number. So you have an account now. Next, it's nowhere to be found how you delete that fucking thing! No link in the registration email, no answer on the website, none on your "board" or in the sections "profile management" and "your account", it's not even in the FAQ (but that contains only about 5 questions anyway)! It also doesn't even explicitly say that membership is free. I would have never stumbled into this if I had just REALIZED what this site was! I'm usually good at that. But that's also not quite obvious when you first enter this site, it's confusing!
Also: there's this annoying WANDERING pop-up for the live chat that floats across the site and blocks bits you want to read. Very annoying. If you click it away, it comes up again sooner or later. Yuck!
absolutely terrible!!! i received an F on my paper and course because of this company. they copied an internet article word for word and presented it to me without even a citation! i didnt have a leg to stand on. this company f*cked me big time
This is a plagiarism site and a moral hazard to young impressionable school children. Please do not waste your education by paying someone else to do your schoolwork for you. If you really do not want to learn this badly then do not waste your time and your teacher's time and go do something else with your life. It is better to be an honest tradesman than a dishonest academic. How much can you trust this company when their business is cheating, academic fraud and plagiarism? Please do not be cheated and do not cheat yourself.
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