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a religious website with comprehensive information about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, a peaceful sect of Islam that believes Imam Mahdi foretold by Prophet Muhammad PBUH has come and promotes Love for all, Hatred for none.
Website depicting true nature of Islam which is love, peace and tolerance. Its a treasure trove of knowledge about purest form of Islam. The hard line extremist Islamic sects always allege the adherents of Ahmadiyya sect as liars but reality is that if there is Islam in its true shape in today's world then its in Ahmadiyya Islamic movement. Read the site without any prejudice and without getting affected by hateful propaganda against the haters. The haters spread hate because they don't have any reply to truth of this sect.
Brings up a security warning: DDoS protection by CloudFlare Ray ID: 28d5a8d8a4df2611 Site may be under DDoS attack and not allowing access. Hence I give it a 4. As to controversy, it's the Ahmadiyya Muslim community talking about their own religious beliefs. The "don't trust" warnings seem to be from others who don't agree with those religious beliefs.
Blatant misleading claims. bad site.
The situation in Afghanistan remains unstable, and Islamic extremist groups continue to gain power. Christianity is still considered a ‘Western’ religion, and is seen as hostile to Afghan culture, society and Islam. Those who leave Islam are treated as apostates, and face huge pressures from family, society and local authorities. In September 2013, an Afghan MP called for the execution of converts to Christianity. There is no public church, even for ex-pats. Christian converts keep their faith secret, since any connection with Christianity is dangerous. PRAY: All Afghan Christians come from a Muslim background, and are at risk if their faith is discovered. Ask God to protect and encourage them. The Taliban continues to threaten and attack Afghan citizens. Pray that their influence will diminish. That the withdrawal of international forces in 2014 will not lead to a return to civil war.
Religious hateful promote fake info
I think that this are Muslims who protect the Islam in our time. Friendly and Peaceful And this are Muslims who belive in Allah and the Holy Prophet Mohammed SAW as Khatemun-Nabieyn.
Extrémistes islamophobes. Incitation aux préjugés et aux stéréotypes négatifs contre des personnes de confession musulmane, à la discrimination, la violence, la haine raciale et l'islamophobie.
Offizielle Webpräsenz einer Religionsgemeinschaft. Internationale Hauptseite auf Englisch.
Useful , Correct and to the point information.
This is the official, international home page of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
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