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★ 2.1
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На основе 6 отзывов

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This site promotes the dangerous lie that HIV isn't connected to AIDS
A website full of misleading claims, very much lacking in scientific facts. You will realize this if you actually do your own research and not believe everything you read on the Internet. There is plenty of scientific research done on HIV and AIDS. Claiming that AIDS doesn't exist, or is caused by the drugs that are supposed to treat it, plus advising people not to take their medications is dangerous. I don't think I have to explain why.
A site dedicated to "exposing the truth" about HIV and AIDS. All they really say is "impartial science says something other than popular opinion, therefore, we need to educate the public." They rely heavily on credentialism, with many of the people on their advisory board having the title of "Dr." However, some of these titles are irrelevant to the topic at hand (African History, Political Science), dubious/invalid (Homeopathy, Holistic Medicine, Chiropractic, Radical Healing, Oriental Medicine), while some may be relevant (Pathology, Cell Biology, Infectious and Tropical Diseases). Some don't even have any kind of credential that would enable them to speak in this particular area (Medical journalist/Science correspondent, Editor of Mothering Magazine, Authors). It is very hard to figure out what exactly the group's positions are, as the message from the founder is basically a sob story aimed at attracting attention.One thing for certain is their distrust in modern HIV testing. From the founder's dialogue, she appears to have come across an Alt Med "Doctor" who sent her in the direction of AIDS denial. The founder claims that she had found a body of "scientific knowledge" that conflicted what she had been taught. Also the site is one block of text that doesn't fill the screen and is difficult to read. suspiciously missing from the wall of text are the actual studies that convinced the founder to go this way.
This website makes many false claims including that HIV doesn't even exist. How can I possibly trust anything I read here. Bad, bad site.
The bad rating is solely because of people who wish to impose censorship on ideas with which they disagree.
I suspect that the poor ratings have to do with politically incorrect but factually correct content. There are some WOT users that like to WOT-crap sites who's politics they disagree with. WOT should only be used for dishonest sellers or malware spreading sites - not for political censorship.
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