Безопасен ли barenakedislam.com?

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This site shows the naked, politically incorrect truth.
I rated this site before but since then I've found that although it offers truthful info on Islam if you post a comment the person who runs this site disagrees with you will be "labeled" and "invited" to leave.
islamic news. real reporting that's not afraid to speak the truth.
This website is very disrespectful against Islam. Not safe for children. Contains hate against Islam. Stay away from this website.
The purpose of this site is to underscore the threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom...
An excellent site that is against jihads and the islamiisation of the West.
Stupidity sans frontieres ! "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate.. to suffering" - Yoda But it's Stupidity that leads to fear, Stupidity is in the hart of all evil. By the way, it's not "Opinion, religion, politics", which is neutral category here at WOT. This website exists in worst spirit of fascism, hatred, racism and violence of Nazi party of the mid thirty's Germany. It should be labeled illegal, owners should face criminal prosecution - at least in EU.
This site is safe to browse. Once again the negative ratings are from those that cannot stand free speech opinions in what is a democracy and cannot see that Media is afraid and biased of these hate democracy critics and do not report the truth. WOT is for PC and Browser protection, NOT for personal disagreements.
I read through many of these peoples arguments. Some just have their heads in the sand some I guess are talking from the heart and some just want to put more divisions into the human races hate box. So will sit on the fence until I get the details from those who know. Problem is that is going to be difficult as humans are emotive. I love debates but many statements just run on emotions and not clarity
States facts and situations about Islam and their actions.
Hate site blocked by OpenDNS web filter.
Magnificent and truthful website! Particularly suitable for children.
It seems anytime anyone posts articles about the misdeeds of islamic fundamentalists, the leftists get their collective panties in a knot and attack the poster. BNI is a dedicated site to expose the bad side of islam, which gov't and media refuse to do. If you don't like or agree, don't read. Simple, isn't it!
Far right wing website that spews hatred against Islam
It is a right-wing conservative website. I have doubts about most the "news" on the site; they seem dubious. However, just because it criticizes Islam does not mean it is hate speech or discrimination. In addition to being anti-Islam, it is also anti-immigrant (Islam and immigration are not always the same) and pro-White, so it is a "white racialist" website. However, the site is not malicious or anything, and it would not infect your PC or browser. So proceed with cautions.
Truth is not hate speech unless you're a left wing america hating nut-job.
Far-right/White supremacist hate site.
Seeing the truth is unbearable for bystanding liars which in effect is supporting the savages being pictured.
This website is not misleading but it depicts graphic war crimes perpetrated in the name of Islam by DAESH including beheading. It is not suitable for children.
Disgusting, do not enter website.
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