Безопасен ли blackdoctor.org?

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★ 3.1
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На основе 11 отзывов

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What is WRONG with people? There is NOTHING wrong with this site! It's fantastic - I cannot imagine why anyone would give it a low rating.
Excellent & informative site with accurate information. Shame on the internet trolls who rated this site lower because of their own prejudices. Hopefully my rating will contribute to the site getting higher & better ratings in the future.
This site is informative
Clearly it is a safe site. The bad rating come from dishonest ignorant people.
The information is truthful and I believe there is another element at play here in judging Black Doctors which can perpetuate racial stereotyping in health-care. I believe facts over opinions, you should check facts before a site is considered un worthy. and the facts here are clearly translatable to ALL persons.
I'm very disappointed at what seems to be a racially charged agenda behind giving this site negative ratings as there were no comments below to support any reasoning for this. It's a shame that someone might fall on a pretty good article that would be focused entirely on them with the surrounding aspects of their race taken into high consideration but yet turn away for fear of malicious aspects that just do not exist. No matter how far in the future we come, it seems true decency slips further and further away.
This is a very good site with tons of helpful health information. I honestly look at the site everyday for health tips. Bookmark it for your health needs--it will definitely come in handy.
I have never had any problems with this site and I have never had this warning to pop up over the past year I have been getting information from this site. It is very informative and educational. What is the danger? Would you like to share?? My email is aaijm4viente@yahoo.com. Thank you.
I was surprised to see this site flagged as untrustworthy. I cannot see what the problem is here. The information provided is useful. The name of the site specifies it's audience and that clearly states it's main aim. The information presented here is useful and informative.
This is not a site for children but adults. As adults you should know to check out all references, tips, referrals and backgrounds of anything or persons you intend to use that involves your health care. This is a site that gives health related information geared toward the Black communities. I found nothing dangerous to your computer there.
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