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signup as a creator and tried to share my youtube videos and my account got suspened no emails no warnings im a family channels so reading below they allow gory dark humor a 9 year old can read and they cancel me shows there is something very wrong with this site and ts owners very disgusted it is a useless website for re sharing your youtube videos
i just found out my 9 year old was reading some gory, depressing comics on this site. they call it dark humor, but i only see dark and disgusting but no humor. i am blocking this site from my kids.
Хороший и добрый контент
Lots of special snowflakes on Boredpanda.com. The posts are constantly "man are bad" "empower the 'minority'" or "Donal Trump sucks".. lots of political and liberal views. I strongly dislike the downvote system. Peoples' opinions are pushed down so nobody can read them. Offensive comments should be reported, but alas, that is not the case. Instead they are downvoted, as if that would solve the issue. There's tons of "mom cries/describes how hard it is raising kids" drama queen posts too. Those posts have comments filled with your typical millennials acting abhorrent and viewing young children as a pest. Finally, there are lots of comments that give off snarky, anti-American, "my country is the best country" vibes. Overall, the website will aggravate you and it's not a good stress reliever. It's not kid friendly, even though there are wholesome sweet posts, it's mostly riddled with stupid things. Everybody on Boredpanda sounds exactly the same-- they all think the same so it's extremely hard to find anybody there decent..
Хороший и добрый контент. Приятное сообщество. Забугорный пикабу
This site was probably created to share nice and cute stuff. However, I had to abandon it. Seems that the majority of the public there are (both right or left wing) intoterant americans who are ready to kill each other for their different views, ideas. Such thing as tolerance is not known for them, So there are frequent offences, hateful speech and in general disrespectful attitude towards differently thinking people. The site doesn't do anything about it. I don't even write comments there, but I am fed up with reading others'. I am moving to other similar (but without hateful comments) sites, f.e. brightside.me.
Love their content, very entertaining. A fun site to waste your time on! Ads can be a little annoying though.
Headline contained false information.
Пользуюсь этим сайтом, тут безопасно, много полезных функций, смело можно использовать.
A perfect site for procrastination.
Amazing history great site will amaze
Good place to look for many creative pictures and designs. Contains no drive-by malware. Relatively safe.
6 JavaScript web bugs for tracking/advertising companies (per NoScript). Good privacy? Trustworthy? See *****
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