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May 2022: Block-listed IP addresses by XBL, formerly called CBL, of support-contact:chinaunicom.cn / AS137539 - China Unicom / AS10099 - China Unicom Global / etc: ***** ***** AND March 2013, China Unicom registration is provided by ***** (Chinese language version) / ***** (English version of *****). ***** has a poor reputation. See: ***** (RBN-listed IP address run by China Unicom, with point of contact cnnic.net.cn) ***** (my further comment on China Unicom / RBN-listed IP address) CNNIC is also the registry for subdomain online.sh.cn, which is also conducting data-stealing operations. See my comment here: ***** ***** (the poor reputation of cnnic.net.cn) ***** (the poor reputation of *****, the English version of cnnic.net.cn) Complaints about poor network operator chinaunicom.cn / poor registry cnnic.net.cn / cnnic.cn can be made to ICANN here: ***** ***** (ICANN has CNNIC as a member Registry of .cn China, item 22) AND February 2013, China Unicom - Shanghai Network / AS17621 / chinaunicom.cn / CNCGROUP / ***** is running local networks for espionage / data-stealing operations. See: ***** (page 40 & 50) Network ranges conducting these operations: ***** - ***** China Unicom Shanghai Network ***** - ***** China Unicom Shanghai Network (Example whois: ***** ) ***** - ***** China Unicom Shanghai Network ***** - ***** China Unicom Shanghai Network
Protect spammers, bounce spam complaints - Protège les spammeurs, rejette les plaintes pour spam.
This ISP has no abuse incident management
SPAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apparently this is the feast of site creations including fake sites for spam, scams, advertising to sell us their crap and pollute the planet with electric resources wasted! F*cking capitalism! F*ck OVH and other spamer's hosts! And address of sh*t again! One day, the number of Internet domains used for SPAM extensively exceed the number of useful internet domains, like the number of SPAM received which represents 90% of e-mails that are received in the world! The capitalists are real r*tten! Proof here: ***** /!\ A VERY IMPORTANT TIP /!\ : DON'T CLICK ON ANYLINK IN A SPAM, INCLUDING THE UNSUSCRIBE LINK, BECAUSE YOU WOULD CONFIRM THAT YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS IS VALID, TO BETTER SPAMMING YOU, this r*ttenness is very contagious with illegal resale data, unofficially legal in corrupt countries, including France!
March 2013, China Unicom registration is provided by ***** (Chinese language version) / ***** (English version of *****). ***** has a poor reputation. See: ***** (RBN-listed IP address run by China Unicom, with point of contact cnnic.net.cn) ***** (my further comment on China Unicom / RBN-listed IP address) CNNIC is also the registry for subdomain online.sh.cn, which is also conducting data-stealing operations. See my comment here: ***** ***** (the poor reputation of cnnic.net.cn) ***** (the poor reputation of *****, the English version of cnnic.net.cn) Complaints about poor network operator chinaunicom.cn / poor registry cnnic.net.cn / cnnic.cn can be made to ICANN here: ***** ***** (ICANN has CNNIC as a member Registry of .cn China, item 22) AND February 2013, China Unicom - Shanghai Network / AS17621 / chinaunicom.cn / CNCGROUP / ***** is running local networks for espionage / data-stealing operations. See: ***** (page 40 & 50) Network ranges conducting these operations: ***** - ***** China Unicom Shanghai Network ***** - ***** China Unicom Shanghai Network (Example whois: ***** ) ***** - ***** China Unicom Shanghai Network ***** - ***** China Unicom Shanghai Network
chinaunicom.cn along with it's uncom provincial networks / AS17621 is running network operations for Canadian Pharmacy - Ukraine and has been blacklisted by the Spamhaus Project thirty-seven times from July 2009 to June 2012. See: ***** (September 2012, Canadian Pharmacy - Ukraine is listed as the 8th most prolific spam operation in the World). ***** (Archived support of Canadian Pharmacy - Ukraine by chinaunicom.cn along with it's uncom provincial networks thirty-seven times. There are plenty of very large, more 'clean' networks that have Never run Canadian Pharmacy - Ukraine spam operations and thus are Not listed). September 2012, chinaunicom.cn along with it's uncom provincial networks / AS17621 are currently blacklisted by the Spamhaus Project sixteen times for running network operations for Canadian Pharmacy - Ukraine. See: ***** AND More spam operations: September 2012, according to Dell Secureworks, China Unicom has supported espionage. See: ***** (Subsection "Threat Actors", IP range ***** - AND September 2012, chinaunicom.cn / AS17621 is operating nameservers used for spam hosting. Examples: ***** and ***** See: ***** ***** ***** ***** As of September 2012, these nameservers (pearlhost.ru and waxnet.ru) are maintaining spam domains 100% of the time for use as spamvertised domains in spam messages. See: ***** ***** ***** ***** AND chinaunicom.cn / AS17621 and one of the only two outside world paths to the chinaunicom.cn / AS17621 network; that is, AS4837, are run / supported by Point of Contact ***** See: ***** (***** is supporting the chinaunicom.cn network and spam nameserver) ***** (cnc-noc.net is maintaining the AS4837 network) See here for the poor reputation of cnc-noc.net (chinaunicom.cn -- China Unicom, including various provinces): *****
SSH intrusion attempts on my servers from hosts in this domain.
Spammer They don't read their abuse mail address.
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