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clickcash.com is listed in OpenDNS's Block Tool *****
Porn site - NOT for children. No age restriction confirmation / doorway page - sexual images are immediately visible to anyone at page load. Primary: clickcash.com / ***** / ***** Multiple web sites are cross referenced, cross linked, mirrored, Framed, and/or offer porn commission opportunities. One of the goals of these permutations is to spam search engine indexes to manipulate search rank. All those Framed external web sites mean visitors can't be sure of how many sites - and their policies or lack thereof - that they're actually dealing with, or how many pseudo "opt-ins" they may have solicited just by visiting one site. Reference: *****
clickcash.com not intended for children
Visiting this site may lead to negative visitor experiance due to the past actions of the owners of this site which may include: distribution of malware, drive by viral downloads, or spamming.
Click Cash is an outstanding site. Millions of people profit from using Click Cash services and products. I have personally received over $1.1 MILLION through the Click Cash Programs. I have never witnessed any Malicious Content NEVER. Click Cash has less adult content than google and yahoo have. Are you marking them bad. DiM1319 is a jerk (no warranty on actuality or correctness) by posting the exact same comment for any site with adult content. Of course Click Cash in on a blacklist, it is a porn site. There will always be those extremest that like to censor free speech. There is no Phishing going on. Tonor do you even know what Phishing is and how to test to see if someone is phishing? Tonor is is Phishing OR other scams.. Let us all see some facts some truth or shut up. hpHosts Spyware? so your free virus or spyware has this adult site listed as spyware. what a surprise? Try purchasing software for a change that does not create its list from other people's blacklist. and to YOU WOT change adult sites from being bad, they are not bad they are very good for the right people and not the wrong people. Letting people know that a site is adult is a great service. Providing a place for mass censor ship is not a great service. Someone can get enough people to comment on any site and keep it green.....Then your service might be accurate. ***** sign up. I can teach you how to a make money with Click Cash!
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