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Tengo pruebas de que la empresa detrás de esta app (Lowhill Games Oy), es fraudulenta. Tengo un video de como al retirar cualquier cantidad de bitcoin en satoshis, cualquier forma, se va a otra dirección y se niegan a responder. CUIDADO: Cuando tengáis bastantes ganancias, os van a fichar para que ya no podáis sacar nada, si retiráis lo perderéis todo. (Translated brief review: this site and this app developed by Low Hill Games Oy is a Scam, they are fraudulent, I have a video demonstrating that when you want to withdraw you can't and you lose your sats your bitcoin... support is unexistant and refuse to answer. Be careful, when you get more and more, there will be a point where they scam you and you can't withdraw anymore).
ZERO STARS! Perfect Scam. Seems legitimate, right? Your numbers are rolling, continuously adding up, you check in every 8 and 24 hours controlling the mining rate. They bank on that. They also bank on the fact you’re not going to actually look into their public wallet or their terms and conditions, which leads you directly to their fraudulent activity. After 3 weeks of paying $32.98 and transferring $.14, I fell victim to false advertising of a hash rate mining half than claimed, of which I reported, hearing nothing after 6 days of “investigating”. So, I did my research. They claim “transparency & trust” by providing their public wallet leading to 12 “suspicious” & “spam” transactions, 2 are NFTs with “unverified” and “unpublished” smart contracts, rendering it VOID for 12,000+ total buyers. The wallet creator has been reported as a phisher/hacker according to bscscan. The owner of their public Solana wallet in their telegram has 1362 fraudulent NFT’s with “FALSE” deemed minting and extensions, as well as 191 fraudulent crypto tokens with “FALSE” deemed builds and extensions. The crypto alone totals over $4 million. Their Telegram also does not have testimonials as it claims to have within their app and on their site. An image search of “Lowhill Gaming Oy” DBA “Bitcoin Mining Solutions North” according to DNB, representative “Brianna Madison” within their “comprehensive guide” on their site, brings up several sources of another woman, indicating impersonation and fraud. Their mailing address is in Iceland according to ICANN that is associated with another $5k scam reported to BBB, while their “directing manager” “Pasi Matalamäki” is in Finland according to DNB. He has blogs on manipulating servers as a computer programmer. According to an IP look up, this company is deemed “malicious” and “malware” & operate out of Germany and USA. Their terms and conditions neglect liability for inappropriate use and implication, including the value of any coin. The app associated with this site has been downloaded over 1 million times with over 160,000 reviews. They have been reported to the BBB, FTC, SEC, OpenSea, Rarible, Foundation, Apple, and Google Play, Google Trust, ScamAdviser, and Cloudfare. I will continue reporting and leaving negative reviews. They may be good at what they do, but I am better at what I do, and they need to be shut down ASAP!
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