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They have always been fast to respond. I enjoy my hosting experience dealing with Corespace cloud (ssd storage gives really fast speed). I had few outages - maintenance issues were usually handled within a few hours. Recommended.
The fact that Corespace is in the web hosting industry for a long time greatly influenced my decision to join them (staff has over 20 years of experience in the IT field). Plus there are great reviews about them from their customers so I thought, hey why not? I've been with very bad hosts so far, so what can I lose I thought. Corespace top notch hosting fast delivers the best servers and the technical support is far superior to the majority of hosting provider up there.
I for one have never meet a tech person at Corespace in my life and will recommend his service to everyone I know as a secure and safe host to be with. Only been here a few days and I'm already very happy, so happy in fact I feel the need upgrade my hosting package. I don't need the extra space, just feel as though I'm not paying enough for this excellent service! One very pleased customer!
Corespace assisted me via Teamviewer and took control of my computer and worked his magic. They took close to 45 minutes to discover the root and fix the issue. Ended up we discovered that it was error script that caused the problem. We removed the malware and within moments, I was able to gain access to my WordPress dashboard. I would like to commend on the excellent and patient support that your staff has given over the past 3 days.
I have just taken a step further and signed up for one of their hosted servers. Corespace is exceptional! I've tried so many web hosting providers from Europe which offer affordable hosting but always leave me unsatisfied with the service and their claimed 100% uptime! Im glad i made the switch.! i will never look back!
I've been with Corespace for a long time. Their customer support is great. Any ticket I've put in has resulted in a real e-mail response within 10-15 minutes. The team works round the clock and will never show frustration no matter how far you push them. I am not a technical-minded person and they have walked me through everything I've needed to make my hosting experience with them a great experience!
The customer service at Corespace is fantastic. To my knowledge, my site has never been down. I have used their technical support many times. I tend to place fairly technical support calls. Their uptime is great, sites are always up and accessible for visitors.
It's fast and Corespace pricing is solid. I have sent a handful of ""tickets"" to support and I always receive an answer promptly (often within minutes). You can contact them about anything. It doesn't have to be a problem. Reliability has exceeded my expectations. Tech support was on the ball, the site was up as far as I could tell. I highly recommend them!
Spam message "President waives requirements for the military to receive home loans" with all of the bells and whistles, talk about scam. From the message header: (EHLO alertcapuchin.com) ( The domain was created last November, and the contact is hiding behind a proxy (disposable domain, to be abandoned and purchased by another scammer operating with impunity behind some Web host that likes revenue better than doing what's right). If you own this business, feel free to contact me on my board. I don't mince words with people who try to scam veterans, I am one.
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