Безопасен ли crashie.com?

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Crashes most IE versions. Doesn't crash IE8, Firefox, et al. Edit (5/3/2015): This website is now a parked domain.
Opera Security (based on AVG) says that crashie.com has malware
This site doesn't even use browser exploits, all it does is just use a single line of "incorrect" javascript, which SHOULDN'T cause problems, but yeah, IE crashes.
Negative comments covering a three year period ! crashie.com ? Crash IE ? For AVG's current perspective, see: http://www.avgthreatlabs.com/sitereports/domain/crashie.com [http://www.avgthreatlabs.com/sitereports/domain/crashie.com] 30-day site report for: crashie.com Potentially Active Threats! During the last 7 days potentially active threats were detected on the main site of this domain. (Updated Aug 11, 2011 23:59 GMT) Detection stats Last reported threat activity: Aug 11, 2011 (Updated Aug 11, 2011 23:59 GMT) Days with threats in last 30: 29 days (97% of total) Days with threats in last year: 361 days (99% of total) Threat types detected: 1 Emerging Threat % of threat detections by subdomain crashie.com ***** % Threat Type: Emerging Threat ***** Moderately Active You have a reasonable chance of encountering a threat of this type during daily browsing activity. Last 30-day summary report. Updated Aug 11, 2011 23:59 GMT [Some malicious webpage detections do not naturally fall into our major classifications.]
Uses user string sniffing to offer DIFFERENT content to IE. If you change IE's user agent string to anything other than IE, it does not crash. See ***** for a detailed analysis
Useful, shame that IE can't open it. Bad you IE
IE9 just says that the webpage is not responding, like Chrome (how advanced IE has got!). Other versions crash. Browsers other than the affected versions, excluding IE8 and IE9* (*Webpage crashes, but the browser doesn't), are not crashing here. I can't rate it because I am using IE9 and it won't let me rate it as "The webpage is not responding."
Not a bad site it's just an exploit for those IE haters.
Just goes to show what a terrible browser Internet Explorer is, I guess :)
This should NOT be listed as a green website. Just because you don't use IE and this therefore doesn't affect you, doesn't mean it's not malicious.
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