Безопасен ли crowdtap.com?

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Этот сайт заявлен?
Обзоры сообщества
★ 4.3
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безопасность для детей

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They have updated their site and it is brand new so all of the older comments dont really apply anymore. Basically you answer questions about products of your life and get points for 5-10 dollar gift cards. Its fast and simple honestly all you need is about 5 minutes per day max getting the gift cards is pretty fast.
so, I was a member for awhile. This site wants you to do various time consuming things that include answering questions and sharing various viral marketing things via social networks like facebook (my friends don't want to see that stuff). You can potentially get free items as a reward for participation. However, I found that actually getting much of anything useful was impossible. Of course, some people do get some nice things and then they blog, tweet, facebook, etc about it. This is just my personal experience. There are some on facebook who use crowdtap a lot and they support each other though. Typically going around and liking/commenting on crowdtap posts because apparently that helps. The comments are often just nothing such as typing "j" or some other letter. I have not been on crowdtap recently but have seen people complain that you used to be able to redeem points for stuff but now its very limited and items become out of stock quite quickly. Some of the rewards are not rewards at all really. I chose some reward and it was just $5 off some beer delivery service that was incredibly expensive. Others may like this, but to me crowdtap seems a little bit like they are just gathering market data for free from most people. Contacting them is difficult. Scam? well, maybe not in the typical sense, they do not take your money. but they do trick many into thinking they will get things for free.
Never had a problem with them.
This site requires a Facebook connection to join. I connected my Facebook account, but on the next page realized it was not available for my country, and did not complete the registration, and removed the FB app. Since then, they have been sending me "site updates", at the email address used for my FB account. They have ignored my requests/demands to have my email address removed from their mailing list. I can't trust any site with such a casual attitude towards spam! Edit: They eventually replied, and the mail has stopped, but I won't change my rating. I shouldn't get that much email from a site before I join, and it should not take 10+ messages before I hear a response.
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