Безопасен ли cutt.us?

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It’s a scam, received a link offering me free nitro. Don’t be a clown.
I haven't gone to the site myself, since I'm not in a position where I can take many risks, but a friend of mine had his Discord account hacked after going to the site and shortly after sent a link to the site to every server and DM he had. The next day he said that his account had been hacked and to not click on the link.
Scam adult dating site full of viruses and phishing
Ce site de raccourcissement d’URL est la source de tant de logiciels de publicité, de logiciels malveillants et de phishing. site dangereux!
my blocker immediately stopped all activity from cutt.us due to malware and viruses, as i see from other comments this site is a phishing site and you should be careful
do not even click on this site if you like your computer, the software on this site is made to destroy your hardrive and infest your computer with bugs and malware, i opened this site and my blocker immediately stopped the site from loading and i noticed the site tried to install something, obviously malware, lucky for me nothing happened just look out for this one.
cutt.us is a phishtank! dont fall for this site!!! the website is just waiting for people to fall on it and get hacked and malware software and viruses, do not use this site!!
Like any other short url service, involved in spam, scam, phishing, tracking, browser exploits. "Adguard has blocked access to this page This web page at cutt.us, has been reported as a phishing page and has been blocked based on your security preferences. Adguard has found that this page may be a forgery or imitation of another website, designed to trick users into sharing personal or financial information. Entering any personal information on this page may result in identity theft or other abuse."
Used in fake YouTube videos' descriptions.
cutt.us is an OLD TRUSTWORTHY URL shortener.. It's -same as any URL Shortener in the globe- get abused from time to time by spammers.. etc but they are very cooperative and responsible.. Don't Blame them when they are being misused.. their ToS clearly states "They are against such actions..!!" http://cutt.us/ToS/en.html Thanks
The site is listed in PhishTank on suspicion of fraud, theft of sensitive data. Witryna jest notowana w PhishTank w związku z podejrzeniami o oszustwo, kradzież wrażliwych danych. ***** *****
This URL shortener site is the source of so much adware, malware and phishing. Very untrustworthy!
spam support 14/03 know spam source ***** From: Loredana <user60@gmail.com> Return-Path: <miogt@dispostable.com> support redirect: cutt.us
It's just a link shorter. Maybe some people misuse it for not good reasons.
it's link cut and redirector .
This is a Saudi URL shortner. ! not a spam or virus !
Facebook profile design spammer. Red Facebook scam.
This is a Saudi URL shortner. In their "Terms of Service" they claim "To help societies that fight spam, we will be RSS Feeding discovered spam links within the last 45 days, Also a weekly updated list of all flagged spam links in our database will be available for download as SQL dump or as simple text." It doesn't work yet; clicking on those links says "coming soon". If they actually do that, that would be great. It would be nice if all the URL shortners did that. (I checked tinyurl and didn't see that they do; I'll be checking the other common URL shortners.)
it is a good site as it is only a redirector
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