Безопасен ли dedicatedpool.com?

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☠ Spamvertized STOOGE Site ☛ Spam Distributors, Email Harvesting, Tracking & Redirection. ☛ Spammed site pose Possible Illegal Phishing/ID Theft Scams. ☛ Online Cash Pump | BitCoin Scam. ☛ These scammers are only after your Identity and Credit Card information. ☛ Often uses Shortened URLs to HIDE their true web address. ☛ User beware. Do not become their next victim. ☛ Do not click on links found in spam e-mail or these websites and become their next victim. (•ิ_•ิ) Common illegal and deceitful practices include: forging the email header, forging the "To" email address, omitting or "munged" the email "To" address and obscuring the website/domain URL (obfuscated the HTML links) and using Shortened URLs to HIDE their true web address. (•ิ_•ิ) Why would you trust a company that needs to knowingly send Mass UCE Spam? Which of course sounds nothing like how a legitimate and reputable company would do business! (•ิ_•ิ) Always remember the basic rules about Scammers/Spammers: ❶ Scammers/Spammers always lie. ❷ If a Scammers/spammer says they aren't lying, see rule 1. ☠ STOOGE Site: hxxp://dedicatedpool.com ☠ Sent Using IP: *****
URL dedicatedpool.com appeared in a SPAM email.
Involved in the spreading of an huge quantity of UCE/UBE messages. Possible 'Joe Job'.
dedicatedpool.com is currently being advertised in unsolicited emails that claim that the site will help users to avoid tax costs by using cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. Some features of the spams suggest that they may be part of a "joe job" -- an attempt by third parties to hurt the reputation of the site by sending spam that appears to come from the site. dedicatedpool.com is also currently under Cloudflare DDoS protection, suggesting that they may be suffering other kinds of attacks as well. Just because a site is the subject of a DDoS or joe-job attack doesn't necessarily mean it's a good or safe site. However, because the spam messages "promoting" dedicatedpool.com so closely resemble messages sent during known joe-job attacks on other sites, reporters should double-check before reporting this site as a spammer.
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