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★ 4.5
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безопасность для детей

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На основе 12 отзывов

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Active member of the community with uploads of my own. Has pornographic content but can be easily filtered out to make the site safe enough for minors, though strongly suggested to keep minors from the site. Good site for us bronies and furries alike who enjoy the artworks posted.
a good site but a lot of nsfw stuff
A site targeted more towards the adult portion (even though filters are available) of fans in the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Contains works of many artists and pornographic content of the furry kind. A good site for the fans, and it is trustworthy in my opinion, no pop-ads and malware in my experience.
Good site, with too much R34. And someone please get the nazi(Matryoshka) and the russkie(Тэлин) outta here. If you want to rage about how bronies are gay(I give the bird to gays on a regular basis), please go somewhere else.
This is not a site made for little girls that like "my little pony".This is a brony site, filled with furry and bestiality porn that don't shy away from gore and rape.Still, filtered that out, it can be easily done from the site options, there is a large collection of impressive safe for work fanarts.
Brony website. Contains massive paedophilia.
Тупорылый сайт пони манов, да и ещё зоофилов, сайт грешников, не заходить сюда!
A site for the older fans of the show MLP:FiM. Has images drawn, vectored or from the actual show for people to see. This site of definitely not for kids as there can be adult content on the site. However, there are filters already set in place when someone goes on the site, and they can be changed depending on what you'd like to see, and what you'd like hidden.
This site (along with *****, which is actually the same exact site) is a good site to find artworks, animated images and other stuff, but if you're not careful enough, you'll end up stumbling into porn. (direct copy of comment on the derpiboo.ru scorecard, with a minor edit)
This website is terrible. Most of the art on this website is explicit or questionable (And if not either of those two then they are unfunny forced memes, poorly drawn artwork and/or drama). Sure, you can use filters to hide or "spoiler" anything you don't want to see, but a child can easily change the filters and show explicit or gruesome (Example: very gory artwork) content, which makes this website very unsafe for children. Furthermore, the users are very rude and a lot of the time, the admins delete artwork and/or ban people for incorrect reasons and I have seem them say very rude things to some people. There are better websites out there than this one and I would definitely recommend you to stay away from this website,especially if you dislike porn,drama,unfunny forced memes, assholes and moronic admins.
Alternate site of ***** , copies directly. also with lots of explicit porn , than can hotlinks to deviantart.
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