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Same SCAM as ***** and maxmyspeed.com, DON'T use them!
I stumbled upon adverts from this website; and it's always a reason not to click any adverts to any website. Offers unscrupulous HDD drive scans as well so you should use a reliable HDD scanner.
These people should be sued for false advertising! It may be prosecuted either civilly or criminally depending on the applicable state or federal laws, facts and circumstances. Under federal law, the seller cannot violate the Federal Trade Commission laws and regulations governing consumer protection and misleading marketing of products or services. Generally each state has a "mini-FTC" consumer protection statute that defines the specific conduct that is outlawed. The state Attorney General's consumer protection office should be notified about this. You may be able to pursue a private civil action against the violator and, depending on your state law, get your attorney fees paid by the defendant. Get your Congressman Congresswomen involved. Hopefully the word will spread and they will pay for their unlawful behavior. Even better, maybe anonymous will shock them a bit. </:D>
Speed up your PC SCAM. Download "free trials" of questionable software no one has ever heard of. Stick with the biggies - they have reps to protect.
This site ranks with finally ***** as two of the most heavily advertised and least useful if not among the most damaging. Keep away - too many real packages out there that really do help.
[Mass rating tool used] See here *****
Well, when I first heard about this on the radio, I was wondering why they something anti-virus related software is being advertised. I didn't know any better 'til 2 years later, when I started studying rouges. I figured out that it was fake because: They said that that, "Even if anti-virus software is installed, you may still have viruses on your CPU." And a rarely see any anti-virus software being on TV and Radio. I found out about CyberDefender, a false registry cleaner that infects the machine like a rouge, telling false alerts and urging you to buy it, and I see that they are edging closer to distribute rouges. So I highly recommend you don't visit this site, unlessyou want to test it on a virtual machine.
Visiting this site may lead to negative visitor experiance due to the past actions of the owners of this site which may include: distribution of malware, drive by viral downloads, or spamming.
I copied this from the FAQ. New computers SHOULDN'T have errors. "Q. If I have a new computer – will DoubleMySpeed still show errors? A. Even new computers – never connected to the internet – may still have errors. This may be due to changes in software installations which take place between hardware and software manufacturers. These errors are typically not dangerous and should not subject your computer to any risk. But we always recommend additional diagnostics to determine if there are other issues causing your PC to be slow."
Run by the same fraudulent company that has cleanmypc.com. This is another con-artist, scam/phishing site that installs malware on your computer, and than forces you to pay money to purchase more of their malware products. STAY AWAY AT ALL COSTS!!!.
Same scam as mycleanpc.com, clutterfreepc.com, ***** . Do not download any of their products as they are worthless and can possibly do more harm than good.
Site directs to nothing but Cyberdefender. See ***** WOT for more info.
Rogue Software - Cyberdefender
Too bad it's a huge lie. You would have better luck thinking that 2+2 does not equal 4.
This site is a Big Scam
rogueware. If you look at the profiles of the people who rated it positively, they ALL have exactly five posts on every single site owned by ascentive. This means cyberdefender and all of their registry cleaners/hoaxes that tell you that your computers have hundreds of errors, then abuse a default option to trick users into believing that the only way to get the program to close is to click the "fix now" button, which promptly brings you to their website to give them your hard earned money. DO NOT USE THIS SOFTWARe, OR ANY OTHER SOFTWARE FROM ASCENTIVE. They get there money from preying on the not-so-aware group that roams the internet.
Beware - They're starting to advertise this site on TV too. Stay AWAY from this site. It has a Rogue AV that they want you to pay for in order to remove fake 'threats'. Don't fall for it.
What bugs me is how does these sites get away with this and not get fined or sued?
Total scam please don't fall for the crap that the employees of this crap-ware site are saying.
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