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Very informative and I've had no problems with it.
I have read a few articles published on the site. The only cause for concern, for me, is the pop-up box asking to subscribe to their newsletter. What successful legitimate business site does not do that? Give them good ratings for the good actionable information they provide for free. You only give them your email if you want to receive their free newsletters or ebooks. Why is this site continued to be blocked? Are the people voting it down have a conflict of interest? Or do they not like the fact the site offers good actionable advise to anyone wanting to earn an online income? Or is it the fact the site owner is a prolific writer who offers good advice for free? There is no spam, no phishing, no identity theft and no ddos associated with this site. This site is as safe as Google.
You proved his point. What kind of idiot mass-rates websites which they hate? If this comment gets deleted, then I'll never go back to WOT again, and screw whomever does this kind of stuff. EDIT: I see the point of WOT now, but why leave an auto-block/warning option?
just because they hate wot doesn't mean that the site is that terrible, suck it in and give em a better score for being safe, that's the whole idea, not ideology, just malware safety first! it is entertaining though :)
I am strongly considering uninstalling WOT permanently. I use Norton SafeSearch because many sites rated negatively on WOT are quite safe. WOT seems to cater to individuals interested in upholding thier own view of what is right or wrong with complete disregard to the actual facts. Several sites have negative child safety rating when in fact there is nothing on them that would justify such a rating. Do yourself a favor and don't rely only on WOT.
From what I've read on this man's article, it discusses about users on WOT down rate certain sites they disapprove of. From the look of examples I've seen on here and other reviews about sites, he's definitely right and a lot of you should be ashamed (but you're not unfortunately). I added WOT to my mother's browser in hopes of helping her know which sites are safe or not, but if there are people who're doing childish stunts such as this and down voting a harmless comment you don't approve of, what good is using this add-on anymore? If I can find a better add-on than this, I think I'll make my leave from Web of Trust permanently. Also, the site should improve on keeping monitoring on such a dilemma, or more people similar to the owner of that article would speak out against what's happening.
Sounds like some mob mentality there. Just pay $450/year! Your negative ratings are pretty ironic.
A negative score for giving critic on WOT concept and (ab) use of some users. I think this is exactly what he is talking about looking at current ratings and many of those so called 'power users' here have no idea what they are talking about and by all of show of their activity are using bots!
Very informative site.
You will be notified about any change in the reputation rating. If the rating drops below the green, the WOT Trust Seal will be automatically removed and replaced with a button asking your users to rate your site. When the rating increases again to good or excellent, the WOT Trust Seal will once again become visible.
This site operators pay spammers good money to litter blogs, forums, and other communities all across the web. The spammers themselves is bad, but these guys ultimately create a demand for spammers thus initiating the entire process. May they one day pay for the countless hours they have strained upon legitimate people online.
This web site promotes multiple "easy money" spammers and scammers and fails to appear legitimate through spammy, useless blog articles. Don't throw away your time, money, reputation, or personal information for anything offered by this site.
Fascinating how you all flocked to poorly rate his site based on a negative review of your service. You proved his point.
Someone is sabotaging this site's reputation. I am a fan of the site and have no problems with it.
Excellent site: top operator Ste' has already established an enviable reputation in his native France, and Internet Marketers and Facebook Fans the world over rely on his perceptive commentary on Web Integrity. If Ste accepts you as an Internet Marketing colleague, be thankful you are in the Top Team If www.dukeo.com rates your site well, feel free to pat yourself on the back and accept his blessings with good grace. You deserved them. MikeR
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