Безопасен ли fabiusmaximus.com?

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★ 3.8
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безопасность для детей

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Delivers commentary on the political antics of Homo sapiens sapiens, outside of left, right, and center, served chilled with a slice of lemon. No trouble found.
This is a good and safe site that has merit. I would encourage those that want to consider American politics today to take a look and enjoy the thoughtful commentary provided.
I do not understand the rating this site has been given. It worries me that a site such as this, clearly one with a political bent but also one with integrity can attract such a rating. Could somebody please explain exactly how it managed an unsatisfactory child safety score?
The Fabius Maximus website has spent years giving useful analysis of the trends governing life in the USA. It touches on politics, culture, the economy and more. I've found it to be an excellent source of information and analysis for years. Whether you agree with the website's writings or not the low rating given here is simply wrong. I give it high marks all across the boards.
They biggest danger resulting from visiting Fabiusmaximus is having your assumptions kick you in the ass. Its an informative website, mostly the authors options and commentary on a wide range of geopolitical issues, and American domestic political and social issues, its normally well referenced. It is exceedingly well moderated, with the author showing baffling patience as he deals with the numerous trolls who swing by. Fabius posts slaughter sacred cows, I'm not surprised it was smeared, the list of the butt hurt is rather long, including this commenter on one occasion. There is never any bad language, or NSFW content.
I have visited the fabiusmaximus website many, many times over the past few years and have always found it to be very interesting, informative and useful. I really cannot understand how it got such a bad rating here. It's clear from the content that fabiusmaximus does not have a political axe to grind and does not promote anything bad such as racism or any kind of fanaticism or even a particular ideology. The opinions expounded by the main authors on the site are always expressed in very rational terms, well balanced and basically humanitarian. I hope this rating here can be revised and changed, because as it appears now it is very misleading and simply wrong.
I am the editor of this website, a non-profit multi-author website about geopolitics. These ratings appear to posted maliciously by people who dislike our political content. The "child-safety" rating is the best evidence. We have zero bad language in the posts, and that is one of the few grounds for editing comments (w28 thousand comments have been posted). We have no inappropriate graphics or photos. The main reaction of children stumbling onto our website would be boredom. I have filed a support request with the WOT service group.
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