Безопасен ли facebook.net?

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With over 1,5 billion users worldwide and tracking beacons on hundreds of millions of websites and hundreds of millions of installed apps Facebook is so huge that the question of whether we can trust this service on the basis of what it actually does or what its TOS and privacy policy look like is a bit misleading. I believe we as internet users should be suspicious and wary of Facebook a priori just because of its tremendous reach on the web and the power that comes with it. In a way, Facebook is too big too trust. Facebook stands in the way of an open and honest web. It has a huge influence on what people see, think and do. It is our responsibility as netizens to reduce this power as much as possible. It might be difficult for most people to completely quit using Facebook, but at least you could choose to remove all (native) apps from your devices and block like buttons and other beacons from tracking you on sites that are not part of Facebook itself.
First of all, this is Facebook. Any negative ratings of .net would probably be better-suited on the ***** page, because that is the entry point for nearly all FB users. When people are checking if "facebook.net" is okay, it's mostly going to be to ensure that it isn't a ghost/spoof site, and not so much concern over *****'s philosophy and practices towards privacy. Second of all, if you've already gone to facebook.com as discussed above, chances are if you're here you've already checked .com on WOT, so rehashing that stuff on this page is counterproductive at best. This is Facebook, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, for pervier or more chaste. Nothing more or less.
Though I tend to agree with some of the post by: Raltar ***** I'm not in total agreement with this person. I've been a Facebook user for many years now and I do agree that Facebook has made many changes that I have not been happy with and yes Facebook's privacy policies have flown in the face of it's users for years now. Thus one of the many reasons for many lawsuits against Facebook. I heard on the news yesterday that Facebook is not changing one of it's defaults from Everyone to Friends. Probably because of the many complaints to the Federal Trade Commission who now has gotten involved in much of what goes on in the WWW. As for the hate part of Facebook, I've only run across that once and along with some of my friends was able to deal with it promptly and effectively. That person is no longer on Facebook as far as I can tell. Facebook has it's many good sides besides the bad sides. It appears to be the fastest growing social network on the web. If Facebook wasn't providing what most people want, this would not be happening. Facebook has even past up other social network sites in it's popularity.
There is a fair bit of hate and spam on Facebook. As long as you have "some" brain cells in your body you can get someone elses account. Noting else really...
Owned by Facebook, Inc.
Na ja...... !!! :-)
21Aug2012 - Not entirely safe... What happened when Google visited this site? Of the 61 pages we tested on the site over the past 90 days, 0 page(s) resulted in malicious software being downloaded and installed without user consent. The last time Google visited this site was on 2012-08-14, and the last time suspicious content was found on this site was on *****
facebook.net è registrato da Facebook, Inc.
I have used this site and found the contents useful and informative.
This is currently a Facebook site used for various purposes such as the Facebook Developers Forum.
It belongs to Facebook, just like facebook.com. Compare these: http://whois.domaintools.com/facebook.net *****
Used to be a malware hosting site, now owned by facebook.
Basically another Facebook CDN.
This domain (facebook.net) is owned by Facebook / facebook.com. They link to a subdomain off of it (mirrors.facebook.net) at the bottom of this page: *****
Can hijack your DNS.
Whenever i type in Facebook into my firefox adress bar it comes up with this shit
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