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Well documented Tech Support Scam site, Beware!
This site is another 'Windows Tech Support' scam websites that trick you into thinking you have a virus on a perfectly clean system.
Used this website a few years back thinking it was legit, my laptop ceased to boot within a week. Tried to scam me out of 200 dollars, but I had refused to pay when they ended up completely wasting my time, using cheap scare tactics (Opening event viewer and saying that normal errors are fatal), and not even paying attention to what I was saying my problem was. The obviously fake trust seals should be enough to give this site a bad rating.
☠ Scraping Website - Illegal, Stolen Trustmarks ☠ Commonly associated with: Cyberpiracy, Trademark Infringement, Counterfeit Goods, Fake Merchandise, Illegal Operations. ☛ Site Using Fake or Fraudulent Trust Marks and Seals are key indicators of a Scam Site. ☛ Why trust a site that needs to Steal Trust Seals??? Where is the Trust coming from??? ☛ Use these sites with caution, do not become their next victim. ☛ Fully read the "Warnings" and "Membership Terms and Conditions" ✍ Note: Major Security/Trust Seals/Icons commonly used by: BBB .org, McAfee, Thawte, TRUSTe, Trustwave, UpFront, VeriSign/Norton, and others should all have URL's linked to those Icon's. When clicked the URL should "Open" the "relevant sites Certificate or verification page"!!! If they don't, they are FAKE!!! ✍ Sites that do not subscribe to the Norton VeriSign, McAfee Secure, or other Trust/Secure services try to fool consumers/visitors by placing a stolen copy of the trustmark/seal on their website in order to give the appearance of "Trust" and "Security". This practice is called "Scraping." (•ิ_•ิ) Why would you trust a site that needs to knowingly Steal Trust Seals? Which of course sounds nothing like how a legitimate and reputable company would do business! (•ิ_•ิ) Always remember the basic rules about Scammers/Spammers: ❶ Scammers/Spammers always lie. ❷ If a Scammers/spammer says they aren't lying, see rule 1. ☠ Illegal ***** Trustmark - Fake/Forged (site uses a JPG): ☠ hxxp://www.fixnow.us/images/bbb-logo1.jpg ☠ Illegal ***** Link - search for site did not match any URLs: ☠ hxxp://www.bbb.org/search/?term=fixnow.us&filter=all ✍ Note: Their hosted link points to a totally different website name: hxxp://www.omnitechsupport.com This is a MAJOR trust issue being conducted by this website, makes one question are they really proficient in their computer related service? This site "may" be affiliated with "omnitechsupport.com" as the other reviews point out, and that site shill reviews (http://www.sitejabber.com/reviews/www.omnitechsupport.com) should also be considered! (•ิ_•ิ) Scraping is Scraping !!! When a service/website reduces itself to Scraping, one should use with caution!
I was on a Microsoft technical service site. Six-weeks later my credit card had a $149.00 charge from this non-Microsoft site, which I immediately caught and disputed. Here is why I disputed the charge, I had not logged on to this site; had not given this firm any credit card information, and I certainly had not authorized any type of billing to my credit card.
They use dirty tricks to get you at their site. I was on a site that these dicks used an arrow next to the words "next page" to trick you to their site. That's WRONG and downright dirty.
No personal experience, but 97 (!) reviews on ResellerRatings (http://www.resellerratings.com/store/Fixnow) with a ***** score. So no idea why this would be rated as bad as it is on WOT.
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