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This site is a great place for advertising for sugar daddies and sex pros. This site is not for kids and you will have any number of people out to con you here as well. This site is now stuffing fake WOT comments and reviews too, thus is pretty scammy.
It's nice when you sign up for Funchatt and get free credits as a welcome bonus. I can use them to test all the additional features. I really like to watch streams and chat in them.
Funchatt gives you the opportunity to choose whether you want to chat for free or are ready to buy additional services. Registration here is free. You can also watch streams and chat in stream chats without paying. You can even view and read the questionnaires for free. So, even if you are not going to pay, there are plenty of opportunities for communication.
I found Funchatt by chance — I saw a friend on the phone chatting. I liked the way he communicated. I went through a free registration and got access to the site. I liked the simple and convenient interface. Gradually learned everything and began to use paid services.
Funchatt is the most suitable place for communication on the basis of interests. There are users of different views and hobbies. I like to communicate with them, both in personal correspondence and in chats while watching streams. It's very healthy when you talk and understand that the interlocutor is on the same page with you.
On Funchatt I feel completely safe. I am not afraid to correspond, because I am sure that everything here is confidential. Thanks to the excellent work of the admins, there are practically no fake accounts and bots here. I like to communicate with interesting and pleasant interlocutors.
I don't know how to keep up a conversation, I'm shy and can't find a topic for conversation. Therefore, on Funchatt, at first, I just read what others said. Gradually began to engage in discussion and relaxed. Now I calmly make acquaintances, and I can hang out in chat rooms for hours.
It's nice when they understand you and do not pay attention to your little oddities. I met all this on Funchatt. Here you can find like-minded people from different countries. Choosing a friend for correspondence is not difficult. The main thing is that you have a desire to communicate.
Funchatt replaced Twitch for me, and I don't regret it at all. I communicate with real people who share my views, understand and know how to listen. Moreover, if you want, you can communicate in the usual streams.
Funchatt helped me get through the breakup and loneliness. In a difficult moment, I was able to find excellent and attentive interlocutors here. Now I am a frequent visitor of the platform. There are practically no bots and fake accounts. If you doubt the authenticity of the profile, you can complain to the admin, and he will check everything.
I liked that Funchatt registration is free. Spend ten minutes, and you can watch and chat during streams. You don't have to pay for this either. For about a month this was enough for me, then I deposited money and was able to send gifts, corresponding personally with users I liked.
I recently turned 60 and signed up for Funchatt. And now I regret that I didn't do it sooner. It's interesting and informative, I watch streams and communicate. And I also like to correspond in personal correspondence with people who share my views and interests.
Funchatt is a great platform for international virtual communication. Here I was able to meet a huge number of people from different countries. It is interesting to communicate with them, watch streams. And most importantly, people of different views meet here and no one criticizes you.
Funchatt made me feel needed. I used to be a devoted fan on Twitch, online games sucked me in. I spent hours running around the virtual world and shooting. Finally I got bored with it. Now I communicate with real interlocutors, and this is much cooler than game heroes.
There are many opportunities for interesting communication on Funchatt. You can chat in stream chats, you can leave comments and send funny stickers, give gifts, ask questions and discuss various topics. Moreover, except for stickers and gifts, all this is free. And if you want to chat face to face, then just buy credits.
I want to talk about the advantages of Funchatt. There are many free features, and no one forces you to buy paid ones. You can be sure that the photos are genuine and that you have real people in front of you. Someone is always on the site. There are cons, but they are not significant.
I have absolutely no time for empty chatter, but I still want to communicate. The only place where I feel at ease is Funchatt. Here I am not afraid to open my thoughts, to tell what worries me. Here I know for sure that attentive and understanding users are gathering.
I never miss Funchatt. I'm cheerful here, not like in real life for me. Therefore, I have many friends here with whom we watch streams together, chat, share interests. There are a lot of people from different countries here, and it's great.
When I'm bored, I always go to Funchatt. I definitely like it here. I watch streams, chat with other users, and learn something interesting. It's cool when a gift comes to you, and even cooler when you have the opportunity to send yours to the person you like.
Funchatt allows you to chat on stream for free with interesting users from different countries. Plus, if you want, you can always buy and send a small gift or a nice sticker to the person you like. And if everything works out, then you can buy credits for personal correspondence.
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