Безопасен ли globalusagreencard.org?

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It's a huge scam. For those bof you who don't know, you only apply for the lottery on the DOS (Department of States) website.
The material that publishes this site is very important for a lot of people.
Quite a suspicious website, although appears legit ***** I experienced helpful staff giving me a call a week after I applied, but didn't pay yet. They asked me a lot of questions, but offered a lot of helpful information in the call. However, there were some suspicious things. They mentioned something about how secure they are, because they're using SSL and Comodo. That doesn't make any sense as they used it without context. SSL is just a typical asymmetric protocol necessary on the internet for displaying websites to get around eavesdroppers wouldn't hear. It doesn't make sense to mention it on the phone; sounded like they were trying to make you feel not smart for not knowing the technical jargon they are using to try and express their security. Then they practically told me to dictate my debit card number through the phone which is a huge 180° turn away from security, because regular phone lines are inherently extremely insecure. They were even urging me to have this done while they're still on the line whereas I wanted to look around the internet and make a decision on my own, to which they said I already had a week to think it through since I applied online. That doesn't even make sense given that the official application process for green cards only even begin months later. Near the end of the call I also got "you're making this difficult for us" which sounded super suspicious. All in all, from what I read online, there are a lot of green card scam websites, and there's no official place I've read that this website were an exception or anything. It's possible that this website is okay, because the $475 they ask for seem to be okay for the services they'd provide after you get through the 1st round of application, but there doesn't seem to be any evidence besides their word that you could get past the 1st round of application any easier with them than with the official government greed card lottery website where application is free. If there were a way to only pay only if you actually definitely get chosen, it may be better, otherwise I'm not convinced of these services being worth your money.
Great site! very secure with ssl
Compromised .php script. DM The GURBL when remediated/
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