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I have not had a problem on this site, may be difficult to win but it is possible, their is a lot of competition and that is the nature of auction sites.
I saw an ad on a website I was on and I decided to check this place out. My first visit I didn't buy bids, but I ended coming back a few days later because I couldn't get over the idea of such discounted items and I've had my eye on a new xbox! I signed up and got a bid package with unlimited bids for 24 hours. I didn't win the xbox I wanted, but I won a kindle fire. Would you believe it arrived in 4 days? I was able to give it to my mom just in time for Mother's Day a few weeks ago. I think this is the best site ever. Can't wait to win me an xbox!
I've been a user since 2011 and have had alot of success here. My winnings have always arrived in a timely fashion and I only had one problem with a damaged item, but when I wrote them they were so nice and sent me a new one asap! LOVE THIS PLACE!
Very limited auctions and misleading descriptions.
This website is much too confusing for the average user ... takes all the fun out of auction bidding if you have to spend so much figuring out which rules apply to which auctions!
they have free auctions, but those don't have the best products
I gave this site a try. I won 1 item in the starter auctions. There are just not enough items for me to continue.
shipping and handling is extra and some options/features makes it unfair bidding
Have had no problems with the site itself. But, the quality of this this online penny auction is lacking...compared to Deal Dash
I find it about impossible to win on this site. Too many insane bidders that make it very hard to get a deal.
won a lot and had no problems , not suitable for kids under 18 years old do to gambling
It is very hard to win on this site. It is easy until you get past the starter auctions. Also the prices are unreasonable for the products. I wouldn't recommend anyone spending there money trying to find a deal.
Not real sure about this site have my concerns
So far so good. A new member and it is a little too early to see if they come through on their commitment.
I have never had one problem with HappyBidDay, everything I have bid on and won came to my house in perfect condition. There is nothing on this site that is a scam. They tell you upfront cost of bids, rules, and bidding strategies. I have won many items at a tenth the price plus bids were cheap with the free auction bids won upon logging in! I have had no spam mail, no identity theft or any other problems due to using this site. I give HappyBidDay 5 stars and I will continue to bid with them. Jeanie
SCAM - "penny auction" Spam, scam, beware about data collecting, data/identity theft
I have won a few auction from this website, They have fast shipping and the products were good. Have won a few gift cards and also MP3 player for about $3.50 that I absolutely love! It really was a Happy Bid Day, But it is still a penny auction and you can loose, do it for entertainment and you will have fun!
They don't have enough auctions to bid on & a lot of the auctions are during working hours or very late in the night. I'm a working man & can only bid for just 2-4 hours in the evening. It's almost like the auctions are designed for people who don't work In addition, even though the fees aren't ridiculously high they aren't free like DealDash.
I play here, it's fun honest play and customer service friendly..It ISN"T child friendly due to it's an auction..Need to be over 18 I believe..Hope you enjoy yourself and Good Luck!!!.
I have bid on this site for quite a while now and I have never had any issues. I have won 4 items and they were delivered properly. On one occasion I won a tablet and they had erroneously indicated that a keyboard would be included. When I inquired about the keyboard they ended up sending it to me just because I had expected it to be included.
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