Безопасен ли israelshamir.net?

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Shamir is antisemitic and a genocide denier
Рупор кремлевско-фашистского режима. The Mouthpiece of the Kremlin-fascist regime. Кремлевский фейкомёт для ваты и мозгомойка для оболванивания люмпенов. Откровенная ложь и антиукраинская пропаганда. Масса фактов кремлевской лжи развенчивается здесь: ***** Blatant lies and anti-Ukrainian propaganda. Many facts of the kremlin lies debunked here: ***** ***** Топ-факты российской лжи об Украине. Top Russia's lies about Ukraine. Часть 1: ***** Part 1: ***** Часть 2: ***** Part 2: ***** Часть 3: ***** Part 3: ***** Часть 4: ***** Part 4: ***** #antiukrainian #fake #russianlie #дедывоевали #донбасснаш #крымнаш #скрепы #рашизм #русскиймир
It is a shame to see WOT abused by political terrorists trying to suppress other opinions.
Palestinians don't need people like him ! Also Bosnian genocide denier, denier of Srebrenica massacre !
Great source for understanding the current (as of Jan 2014) Ukraine crisis. Even if Shamir's opinions are sometimes a bit "different" they are much more frequently misunderstood and twisted. I appreciate having him around giving us another point of view of things and in many cases, the point of view that seems closer to reality. Take a stand against the usual brainwashing and whenever you find yourself amazed by his writings double check the internet and you'll find quite some support behind his ideas. And for the record, I do not think he is a holocaust denier and I do think the holocaust history should be revised (let me say this again, should be allowed to be revised), just like any other event in history. That the holocaust happened is undeniable and Shamir agrees (he has been called a denialist or denier), but the exact narrative of the Holocaust is worst than the Bible, no one can touch it. Not that is good to destroy our history, but history is an imprecise record and we should be able to re-examine it. If we come to the same conclusions, well, the better. Anyway, I was impressed to find the bad ratings for this website, sorry for the ranting. Peace.
Israel Adam Shamir is a great human being, a true warrior for peace and understanding. His insights and knowledge are profound, and deserve your attention.
People giving negative ratings to this site are clearly misusing WOT for their own repulsive political agenda. At this rate WOT will soon be totally useless.
Freedom of speech is basic right of all people. Even if authors opinion doesn`t go along to official or mainstream point of view. Israel Shamir cannot be an "anti-semitist". He is jew himself. Brave enough to say openly what other people afraid to say. To say truth is not a crime, cannot be. Unless we are in Orwell society.
Żyd komunista wprowadza w błąd
This website shamelessly promotes some of the worst White Supremacist content I have read. It claims to be about promoting peace in the Middle East and an end to human rights abuse of Palestinian people. However, that is hardly dealt with at all! Instead there is anti-Semitism, anti-American sentiment, ridicule of German policy post-reunification, and finally, calls for the "restoration of White Supremacy on a global scale". Nearly EVERY religious group is ridiculed or "revealed" as deceptive: American Christians, Jews, Roman Catholics, more.
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