Безопасен ли ketaminebuy.org?

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100% scam and you never get your money back and no order either!! Real suckers who steal money from the customers! I know many of the put much here because it looks solid until you start to check it up or make an order and pay... You will never see neither the order or the money and nothing you can do because of the untraceable Bitcoins. And it is the company itsel writing all the good reviews:( Go elsewhere and save your money my friends.
DO NOT TRUST! YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE YOUR ORDER, YOU WILL LOSE MONEY AND THEY DO NOT RESPOND TO ANY ATTEMPTS TO CONTACT THEM. After my experience, I strongly suspect any comments to the contrary are instigated by the fraudsters behind this scam! I was in desperate need of a product (no, I'm not an addict or dealer!) and despite all the evidence I detail below, I learnt the hard way. And it's only with the benefit of hindsight that I can see that now. Don't make the same mistake. Let's look at the facts: 1. I initially found the product I wanted to buy on ***** 2. When I try to order it, it leads me to a website for Chemstore, with the web address ketaminebuy.org. Who the hell uses the name of anaesthetic more commonly recognised as a banned substance to peddle drugs legitimately?! 3. When you google "Chem Store" separately in an attempt to find the website without going through other channels, it's virtually impossible to find. 4. When I finally get there, it masquerades under the site address steamandrye.com. But this is when it gets really odd - type that address in to your address bar and you end up with a pub in London. Somehow, their site is sitting behind someone else's domain name, supposedly so you can't track it down. I should have smelt a rat already! 5. They transact in bitcoins. Whatever you might think or say about this wannabe currency, it's still being used by many suspect parties to conceal illegal or fraudulent transactions because it's untraceable from end-to-end and the only way you can get a refund is if the money is transferred back to you. If your business is above board, why not use standard currency or paypal? 6. They will not process your order until payment has been confirmed at their end. Not necessarily a problem, but when you transfer in bitcoins, they get your money and you don't get a thing. And there's nothing you can do about it. You can't demand a refund, you can't pick it up with the fraud team with your bank or credit card company and you can't take them to a small claims court. Why? Because in BitCoins, the transactions can't be traced or evidenced. It's encrypted and anonymous from end to end. 7. If you reply to the email from which the order confirmation came, YOU WON'T GET A RESPONSE. 8. If you try to contact them via the "Open Support System", YOU WON'T GET A RESPONSE. 9. If you try to "Post A Question" to tackle the issue, it gets held for moderating and... you guessed it. NO RESPONSE!! 10. If you look at the "About Us" tab, they are affiliated with Hetero Drugs Ltd. Based in India. Respectfully - not a country renowned for law enforcement and more widely recognised for corruption and a huge black market in counterfeit pharmaceutical products, including drugs. 11. However, Hetero Drugs Ltd. Does appear legitimate. Part of the Heteroworld family. Certainly a very transparent presence via heteroworld.com, business details accessible in various places and a recently updated article on Wikipedia. So, is parent company suspect or simply unaware of this fake under their good name? Let's try contacting them... 12. Let's go to their website heteropharmacy.com. The address corresponds with that on ***** so we'll try the email under "Contact Us" - info@hetero.in. It bounced back as an UNRECOGNISED EMAIL ADDRESS. 13. Right. Now to heteroworld.com. Again, this looks like a perfectly legitimate organisation. I found three potentially recent emails to use - contact@heterodrugs.com, someone affiliated with purchasing and another for general enquiries. Emailed them all and... ta-dah! Yet again. NO RESPONSE. So, in conclusion. A professional looking, but wholly illegitimate website. They take your money, you'll get nothing in return for it and any endeavour to get in touch will fail miserably. And because you purchased in bitcoins, there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. Thankfully, I didn't spend a fortune, so I'll cope. But if enough people make the same mistake as I did, it's a profitable little money maker. But there maybe many others who lose a considerable amount more to these remorseless thieves. Don't be one of them!! You have been warned. And do not read or believe any other comments to the contrary.
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