Безопасен ли martinlutherking.org?

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This is a bogus site run by white supremacist Storm Front. Nothing but lies and slander here.
This site is a biased. It spreads untruthful information about one of the greatest civil rights activists, it is also owned by a white supremacist group called stormfront.
While this website claims to be a resource of true information about Martin Luther King Jr, the content on this site is false and biased. It is owned by Stormfront, an organisation of White Nationalists who even believe that the Holocaust was a myth.
Page mensongère émanant du forum néo-nazi Stormfront, destinée à salir la mémoire de Martin Luther King. A fuir comme la peste -brune-
This site is owned by StormFront, a white nationalist website which openly denies the Holocaust, promotes racism, and fabricates complete falsehoods about everything it touches. The purpose of this site is to appear like a factual and reliable site about MLK, but in reality it does nothing but spew lies and antiliberal rhetoric. They call him a Jewish puppet, a liberal fraud, a liar, and a nigger (they're racists, after all). I am ashamed to have ever rated this site positively or believe its lies. After years of searching for the truth, I've found nothing but lies and obscurantism from this misleading and egregious site. It's safe for your computer, but not for your mind.
Owned by white supremacist group Stormfront. It is NOT a reputable source by any means.
This site has received poor ratings because it is contrary to the narrative and legend about Dr. Martin Luther King. However, all the assertions made come from primary and secondary sources.
This site has some of the less flattering facts about MLK. I believe WOT becomes less useful when certain political opinions cause sites to be rated as bad or dangerous.
Does not contain viruses or anything like that, but is hosted by a white supremacy webpage called stormfront.org. Content is biased and should not be used if you are actually looking for factual information on Martin Luther King Jr.
Racist website created by the racist organisation Stormfront. Should be removed immediately as it is an offensive and derogatory site.
The KKK made this site! It should be removed from... EVERYWHERE!!! NO QUESTIONS ASKED!
This is NOT a truthful site on MLK.
"This site should be removed immediately!" Where do you live? People have the right to say what they want- even if its totally wrong, as this site is.
Exclusively for the ill-educated. Shameful site.
This URL is owned by Stormfront.org, a white supremacist group.
This is the most despicable and racist site about MLK.
So when you don't agree with someone else, they are judged by you to be "hateful." Your personal opinions are not supposed to be the basis of WOT ratings. Please grow up.
This site is run by a white supremacist group and should be removed.
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