Безопасен ли maxim.com?

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★ 4.5
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безопасность для детей

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maxim.com is a porn site. NOT for children! Contains sexually-explicit material.
Sitio de una revista para caballeros norteamericana.
In short, soft porn - best not shown to children
Very classy mag and I am still allowed to read!
It is contains adult material.
I do not know how, but somehow this website got my email that I only use for business and not personal! I do not know where they came from, and I don't know why. It is not a site I would ever go to, since I'm a homosexual male and all. If anything I'd subscribe to a site with guys, not girls!!! But I do not trust this site at all, somehow they got my email and without my permission automatically made me subscribe to them without me even knowing they existed!! I tried using their contact page, but I kept getting an error screen. I also couldn't unsubscribe to them either.
Just started receiving (unsolicited) promotional mail from them. This was likely semi-legit, due to someone with a similar name accidentally typing my email address into their "subscribe" form -- however, their mailing-list management is totally busted. #1, they never confirmed my email address in the first place (I just started receiving mail, no confirmation that I was the right person). and #2, their "unsubscribe/change your email address" in the email links to http://pref.email.maxim.com/preferences/?e=[my_email_address], which in fact has no unsubscribe / change email address option. So -- they starting sending me mail unsolicited, and they have no functioning way for me to unsubscribe. That's spam, in my book.
70% or so of the photos and videos either won't display or have been moved to a part of the server where they are no longer accessible, even with NoScript whitelisting everything on the page and AdBlock Plus completely disabled.
Links are clean, contains no malicious drive-by downloads. Safe.
***** is the internet website of Maxim Magazine US. It is a very trustworthy and safe site to visit in terms of there is no risk of viruses or other viral threats to your computer, so rest assured. As for the issue of child safety the website is pretty safe. So if your child has accidentally found their way to it rest assured that they aren't going to see anything that could not be seen on a day at the beach or at any hour on television. As for the content of the writing though the site does leave something to be desired as the magazine's writing takes on a rather sexiest tone, but that is to be expected since the magazine is aimed at the intelligence level of a hormonal teenage boy, as well as men who never grew beyond the emotional intelligence of a below average teenage boy. I wouldn't exactly call the site entertaining or informative unless you think misogamy is funny or the objectification of woman as sexual objects is a God given right and virtue. Overall the biggest objections anyone could have about this site doesn't lie with the outline of site or with it's trustworthiness, privacy, or vendor reliability but with it's lack of a moral outlook.
General mens magazine (website). Not really family friendly though.
Clumsy website, safe enough though.
The well-known magazine for men. Decent, no 'porn' as Playboy does.
situs majalah pria dewasa
Not 100% Nudity. So this site is pretty decent.
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