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Site d'extrême droite.
campaign of hatred against other people
It's hatefull, and i'm one-hundred percent Dutch. We have a central service for crime. ITS CALLED THE POLICE. If you dont agree with the law, then move to another country. Our law is based on respect and values, not on hatred and disrespect. "
This web site, "Reporting Point Middle- and Eastern Europeans", only offers a way to report complaints about people from the regions just mentioned. I still don't think it deserves such a bad rating though, because there is nothing wrong with the site itself. Actually, the media are offering Geert Wilders a platform by overly magnifying this survey. - And that's all what it is, a survey. An unethical survey perhaps, but still a survey. And not a really good survey either. It doesn't deserve the whole European parliament debating over it. Just don't give it any attention and it will go away. Magnify it, and it keeps growing.
stelletje zeikers hieronder... niets aan de hand hier; site is veilig
Deze site zorgt voor haaizaaien! Nergens is te controleren of de input en output wel klopt. Deze site zou gesloten moeten worden. De vrijheid van meningsuiting is niet in het geding als deze site gesloten word. De PVV liegt en bedriegt toch wel. En als je echt de discussie wilt aangaan dan geven ze niet thuis, dan lopen ze weg.
Racist ans xenofobic content
Hate hate hate is all that they understand.
It's hatefull, and i'm one-hundred percent Dutch. We have a central service for crime. ITS CALLED THE POLICE. If you dont agree with the law, then move to another country. Our law is based on respect and values, not on hatred and disrespect.
A site to report people of specific origin is always questionable.
This is my reaction to your shame webpage, Greet Wilders: ***** Greet Wilders from PVV manifest despise against his own country and European citizens as his offensive site breaks this European treaty ***** , article 15 use the brain and let him link the information: ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** So where is about the real freedom, as the freedom of speech normal consequence? Mr. GW, if wouldn't be Romanians in ***** you and other counter-romanians would pray at Mecca! And it won't be any flying Dutchman! ***** . As long as you strike against innocent Romanian people in order to gain popularity, you deserve no less than the Crown of Shame! I adhere here for the Bulgarian and Polish people as well, although no one may need my advocacy. As Romanian citizen I SPIT on your anti-romanian activities! Until you don't ask apologizes for that article, I won't refrain from this, with any occasion. Now you can complain and receive comfort from your 1.5mil electors. Best regards, Emil V. Toma . PS: Mr. Geert Wilders, just for your culture sake, in order to not make the World laugh with you, look to the following link, probably you missed "something" when you judged Romania and the Romanians. And say "Thank you, Emil" ***** For those who say language might be a barrier against accurate understanding, I have an official dutch language certificate, released in Vlaanderen.
I can read Dutch (and understand most of it) The content is reminiscent of the Nazi attacks on the Jews during the 1930s
People who can't understand Dutch are incapable to judge this site! It's a very good initiative to gain information about MOE labourers who are not able to adapt to the Dutch rules in the society and pinch other peoples jobs!
Very clear website, and this has nothing to do with hate or discrimination. If you cannot read Dutch, you are not able to judge this site.
Can you read DUTCH? How can you say this is a hate campaign, if you do not understand dutch?? This website is NOT racist and discriminatory. it is only a reporting pojnt / hotline where you can report nuisance and crime. and their are a lot of polish and east-european people in The Netherlanders who causes nuisance and crime. It is a good initiative of the PVV (Dutch Party of the Freedom) And the European Union should not interfere with our business.
This site may cause people to hate each other on a national preference.
Hateful campagne site aigainst Polish people in the Netherlands
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