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Warning, dangerous pseudo-medicine! You may die when using these therapies!
The website describes Meta-Health as a concept to understand psychosomatic diseases. Read the disclaimer of the website: "The information presented on the META-Health website is educational in nature. It is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. META-Health Practitioners and Coaches do not diagnose any illness. They use their deep understanding of the Organ-Stress Trigger-Emotion-Belief Connection and 5 major Point and Phases of Healing to create awareness and help clients in the process of auto-regulating bodymind. Each practitioner is responsible for adhering and following legal guidelines and standards as they apply for each profession in their country." Source: http://metamedicine.info/en/disclaimer.php See even the code of praxis for more details (linked on the disclaimer page): http://metamedicine.info/en/code_of_practice.php
Very interesting website about integrative medicine!
META-Health is an approach of integrative medicine focusing on health not disease, and transforming physical and psychological symptoms into personal growth. This is by nature challenging for conventional understanding of disease. The trainings promoted on this site are suitable and valuable for any health professional. The site exhibits a code of practice for association members that clearly contradicts the bashing comments trying to rate it down.
META-Health is based on Integrative Medicine and the Intl. META-Medicine Association is the worldwide accreditation and certification body and a nonprofit organization for all META-Health Professionals and Trainers worldwide. META-Health is based on the Body-Mind-Social connection and based on the lastest research in Lifestyle and Integrative Medicine. Over 1,000 META-Health Professionals are actively and successfully working with their clients on a daily basis in over 50 countries worldwide. This website is absolutely safe and all health professionals will love the new information and medical knowledge provided.
Nicht alles blind glauben, was man hier so an Hassparolen liest. Selbst einfach mal reinschauen und eine eigene Meinung bilden :-)
Die "Medizin" und "Therapien" von Hamer und seinen Anhängern haben nicht erst ein Menschenleben gekostet. Man könnte hier direkt von einer für Leib und Leben gefährlichen Sekte, die extrem rechtsradikale und antisemitische Ideen vertritt sprechen. Siehe auch: ***** ***** ***** und die dort verlinkten Nachweise. ***** *****
WARNING: Vorsicht, hier sind Kurpfuscher am Werk. Bewahren sie ihre Gesundheit. Bitte lassen sie sich nicht von Verbrecher und Verschwörungstheoristen verführen. The ideas presented on this site are dangerous to your health. Stay away from here. See here: ***** ***** ***** *****
Gefährlicher medizinischer Unfug! Promoted "Germanische Neue Medizin"
Rassist,Antisemit,hat Leben(Kinder)auf dem Gewissen http://www.frankenpost.de/nachrichten/regional/dritteseite/art2446,71174 ***** ***** *****
Diese "pseuodheilmethoden"haben schon Leben gekostet, wie im Fall von Geerd Hamer auch von Kindern
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