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I know that many people nowadays are keen on reading news about politics, various articles devoted to this sphere and it's not surprising cause recent elections were shocking for many people abd breathtaking for others. This is not a bad medium, but sometimes gutter press is clearly detected in articles, phrases, and it even seems to me that some aticles are just being bought by famous people, wealthy ones. I would advise not to read about politics out here, to be honest.
Once found this website and started to read news. Well, it's a secure one, I didn't face any situations when I would be beware of getting my personal info leaked. I subscribed to their newsletters and receive insightful articles right in the mailbox, it's convenient, nothing to say more. Speaking about the content, then it varies. Sometimes they is really hot news, while there are cases when it's created out of the thin air. That's not really cool, but I can relate as I have experience of working in mass media.
mirror.co.uk is a great site for interesting reading in the evening.
Great site for learning English.
все нормально
A generally good unashamedly left-leaning news outlet; content is typically factually correct but makes bias by omission of counterpoints or other stories. Essentially it is what it is; it's no purveyor of fake news, but you have to use your own judgement in deciding if your news mix is as balanced as it could be. The main negative points against the site are an increasing number of click-baity "shock" articles that lower the tone, and an online comments section that is dominated by a handful of right-wing trolls against whom no action ever appears to be taken.
It appears to be an electronically safe website, however though the news may be legitimate, it appears to have a lot of shocking and morbid content that would not be suitable for children at all. Be warned.
Not sure I would trust a site that uses all-caps clickbait headlines.
Daily Mirror newspaper website. Trusted.
Home of the Daily Mirror Newspaper featuring the latest breaking News, Sport and Showbiz updated throughout the day.
The Daily Mirror,a online newspaper.
Fake detected http://www.stopfake.org/?s=mirror.co.uk
Актуальный сайт, можно доверять информации, вредных программ не обнаружено.
"Britain's naughtiest pets make the WOOFEST housemates - causing damage worth £1.2 BILLION" Okay, so there's clickbait and then there's just LYING. You can call it "cheeky wording", but it's just plain lying, no matter how you dress it. Stick with click bait, don't ****ing lie.
Largely ultra left-wing trash 'reporting'. Some dangerous extremist socialist views. I wouldn't recommend it for the over 90 IQs.
I would call this site fine as far as computer harm is concerned. As for the content it's full of everything from unflinching videos to completely fascinating well thought out articles good news worthy ones, others are tacky, and others are downright awful shocking and despicable. The site is very open ended with what they show, many videos come from many different sites and many are too hard for children, I said Gruesome or shocking as my negative (only because wot only allows that to be a negative) but I don't really feel that gruesome or shocking is always negative but I do feel it needs that description. On the other hand I called it a good site because it's generally not trying to shock just to get a rise, is generally well informed and actually has actual articles that describe, and give detail about the people in the videos. If this was just a shock site they would just show horrible videos and not give any real literature.
One of the better UK news sites
Online version of Daily Mirror newspaper.
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